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KMVites take a Pledge Against Drugs to celebrate 75 years of Indian independence

Event Date

August 14, 2022

Commemorates Partition Horrors Remembrance Day by showcasing exhibition on partition in the college campus

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous) took a Pledge Against Drugs in order to celebrate 75 years of Indian independence. This ceremony was organised in collegecampus with the presence of Principal Prof. Atima Sharma Dwivedi along with teachers, students and staff members.All KMVites took pledge to keep the society free from the menace of drugs and also took on the task to spread awareness against this social evil in the society. On this occasion, in order to commemorate Partition Horrors Remembrance Day, KMV displayed a digital exhibition curated by Government of India to the students and the teachers. Enriched with the photographs and news articles of the partition era, this exhibition made each and everyone present emotional as they witness the pain and agony of the people during the partition. Principal Prof. Dr. Atima Sharma Dwivedi observed that Drug Abuse specially in Punjab was eating into the social fabric and needed to be controlled. Shesaid that she was happy that students who were the future of this countryarerealising the horrible outcomes of Drug Abuse. She further maintained that the motive of displaying this exhibition was to remind the younger generation of the large displacement of the human population during the independence, which also claimed the lives of the large number of people.


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