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KMV’s Dr Gopi Sharma selected to attend Science and Technology Conclave at IIT, Gandhinagar

Event Date

October 23, 2022

Selected women having Power Grant across India were selected for this forum

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous) always motivate its faculty members to excel in the field of academics. In a major new achievement, Dr. Gopi Sharma, Associate Professor, PG Department of Physics was invited to participate in women in Science and Technology conclave at IIT Gandhinagar, Gujrat held by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) of Government of India. It is pertinent to mention that only selected women having Power Grant or fellowship cross country were invited to participate in this forum and Dr. Sharma is having power research project sanctioned by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB). Principal Prof. Dr. Atima Sharma Dwivedi congratulated Dr. Gopi Sharma for this brilliant achievement. She averred that this meet has given a detailed insight into innovations and possible collaboration as well as opportunities for women scientists across India. She further maintained that KMV will achieve new heights in research using these opportunities.

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