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Kartar Cheema & a galaxy of Punjabi artists mesmerized KMVites with their presence

Event Date

February 3, 2024

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous) witnessed the presence of renowned Punjabi actor Kartar Cheema and the complete star cast of upcoming movie Khadari. Kartar Cheema along with Surbhi Jyoti & Prabh Grewal visited the KMV Campus in order to promote their upcoming Punjabi movie Khadari. They were accorded with the floral felicitations by Principal Prof. (Dr.) Atima Sharma Dwivedi. All the artists mesmerized the present audience with their songs from their upcoming movie and also made the audience dance to their tunes. The event was held in the college auditorium and it witnessed the presence of large number of students as all the students were waiting desperately for their star to come and perform for them. On this occasion, all the artists were very much appreciative of all the educational reforms and initiatives introduced by KMV- a pioneer institution of women education in India. Kartar Cheema addressing the audience said that he always feel very energetic whenever he performs among the young students. He also motivated the students to follow their dreams and to never underestimate themselves. Principal Prof. (Dr.) Atima Sharma Dwivedi lauded the efforts of Dr Madhumeet, Head, PG Department of English, Dr Gurjot Kaur, Head, Department of History, Mr Sehajpal Singh, Ms Manpreet Kaur & Ms Geetika for successfully organizing the activity.











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