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KMViteswill represent India in World Youth Festival in Russia

Event Date

February 23, 2024

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous) students are continuously making the institution proud with their brilliant performance at the national and international level day after day. In this series, 06 students of KMV will represent India in folk dance presentation in the World Youth Festival to be held in Russia in the first week of March. It is noteworthy that these students have got the honor of being one of the 355 delegates to present India on the global platform. Principal Prof. Atima Sharma Dwivedi congratulating the students for this special achievementinspired them to keep the flag of India high at the international level with their brilliant performance. She averred that at K.M.V. along with the education, co-curricular activities are also given equal importance, on the basis of which these students have become capable of honing and enhancing their talent and showcasing their art on various national and international platforms. Madam Principal lauded the efforts of Dr. Gurjot, Dean, ECA, Ms. Geetika for providing the proper guidance to the students.

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