Reception Desk : 0181-2296605, 2296606
For Admission related queries : 7009969253,9814406986
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  • Only College under GNDU to be bestowed with FIST & CURIE grant by DST- Govt. of India
  • Star College by DBT- Govt. of India
  • Designated College with Potential for Excellence
  • Accredited ‘A’ by UGC-NAAC
  • Recognised as a Center of Excellence by RASCI, Government of India
  • Best College in Punjab as per the Surveys
  • Kaushal Kendra by UGC, MHRD, Govt. of India and first College under GNDU to have been granted Kaushal Kendra

Department of Student Welfare

Primary Objectives

The primary objective of Department of Student Welfare (DSW) is to bring about and maintain the welfare of the student community by not only addressing the concerns of the students and effectively solving their problems but also striving to make the students understand their unique capabilities and helping them develop their skills and capabilities. DSW fully addresses the academic, social and personal concerns of students via interaction in different forms.

Objectives/ Duties/ Functions

  • DSW will look into all matters pertaining to student attendance and submit the recommendations to office for consideration
  • Will observe that the policies drafted and framed are student-friendly
  • The Student Welfare teachers will be available throughout the working hours to cater to the problems, needs and requirements of students
  • Teachers will be available throughout the working hours to deal with the parents and satisfactorily look into their issues
  • Student mentoring will be a continuous process and DSW will ensure that Mentoring is being carried out in all earnestness
  • DSW will look into the matters of resident life in co-ordination with Dean, Resident Life
  • DSW will help in the formation of the Student Council- the student leadership body. DSW will guide and allocate duties to student council members to facilitate them to work in accordance with the mimin of the college
  • Will plan Annual days
  • Will carry our surprise checks for time table execution
  • Will arrange extra remedial classes for weak students and advance classes for bright students as per their requirement
  • Will conduct regular canteen inspection to check the food quality and will ensure that all eatables are served in hygienic conditions
  • Along with the counselling cell the DSW will provide regular counselling to students
  • The Book Bank under the aegis of DSW will provide free syllabus related books to the students throughout the session
  • Lost & Found Cell run by DSW will provide service to the student community by helping them find their lost items
  • Will heed to the complaints and concerns of the students along with the Grievance Redressal Cell
  • Anti Ragging Cell of DSW will ensure that the campus in ragging free
  • Along with Saplings of Life Club, Student Wellness Club, Red Ribbon Club, Swahhchta Club and Stress Buster Club will carry out activities and projects to sensitize students on various environmental, social and women related issues
  • DSW will ensure that public utilities and other facilities are available to the students
  • Will plan student scholarship issues along with the scholarship incharge and ensure that students get the maximum benefit of these scholarships
  • Will organize regular annual events for the well being of student community like eye-checkup, dental camp, hb test, BP check-up etc.
  • Celebrate important national and international days
  • Organise welcome and farewell functions and other functions for the students
  • Ensure upkeep of notice boards and display boards to ensure that all relevant and important information reaches the students
  • Will provide ample opportunities to the student community which are instrumental in their holistic development
  • Will provide medical aid in case of emergency

Office Bearers

                            Dean Student Welfare   Dr. Madhumeet
                            Members     Mrs. Rashmi Sharma
Dr. Neetu Verma
Dr. Pardeep Arora
Dr. Sonik Bhatia
 Dr.Pratima Sharma


  • Anti-Ragging Cell

    Anti Ragging Cell
    Dr. Atima Sharma Dwivedi, Ph.D.


    Dr. Madhumeet Kaur (Dean student welfare)     

    Mrs. Suman Khurana (Member)                   

    Mrs. Rashmi Sharma (Member)                   

    Mrs.  Amarjot Kaur (Member)                

    Dr. Simerjeet Kaur (Member)      

    Activities done in the campus to curb ragging 

    • The prospectus issued to aspirants for admission clearly mentions that ragging is Banned in this institution and any one indulging in ragging is likely to be punished Appropriately with punishment which may include expulsion or suspension from the Institution or class for a limited period or fine with a public apology.
    • Anti-ragging committee is there in the institution consisting of senior faculty Members and hostel authorities like wardens and senior students of student council. This Committee keeps a continuous check and vigil over ragging so as to prevent its occurrence.
    • Sensitization programs for students against ragging: The principal and the teaching Staff always interacts with the fresher girls and takes them in confidence by apprising them of Their rights as well as obligation to fight against ragging and to generate confidence in their Mind that any instance of ragging to which they are subjected or which come in their Knowledge shall be promptly dealt with.
    • All vulnerable locations in the college like canteen, lawn etc. Are identified and Specially watched during the working times as well as in off timings.
    • Awareness posters and banners at prominent places.
    • Night duty of warden in the hostel.
    • Affidavit and online registration at
    • CCTV cameras are installed at number of places in the institute to keep check on the Activities of students in corridors, library and other important places.
    • Checking duties are assigned to all CR’S and members of student council to keep the Check over various activities of students,
    • Disciplinary committee of college faculty involved in testing out the behavior and Actions of the students.
    • A complaint box is there in the campus where students can give their points if they hesitate to see the faculty directly.
    • Almost students have registered themselves by filling the anti-ragging form Available on UGC Site and go have got their Ids for the same.

    The Department of Student Welfare with student council organised many activities in college to raise student awareness regarding anti-ragging. Many competitions such as poster making, logo making, and slogan writing are organised in which students eagerly participate.


  • Lost and Found Cell

    Lost and Found Cell

    Lost and Found cell plays a crucial role by providing a centralized location for students to recover misplaced items. It services as a practical resource for students, helping them retrieve important items such as, keys, text books or any other personal belongings. Additionally, it promotes a supportive and organized campus environment, contributes to a smoother academics routine and reduce the stress associated with lost items which is very beneficial for the overall well-being and learning experience of the students. This service fosters a sense of responsibility among students, teaching them to keep track of their belongings. It instils values of responsibility, accountability and organization in students contributing to their personal and academic development.

    Office Bearers

    Dr. Madhumeet(Dean, Student Welfare)

    Mrs. Mani Khera   (Member)

  • Counselling Cell

    Counselling Cell

    The Counselling Cell of the college works under the aegis of Department of Student Welfare. The foremost objective of the counselling cell is to make help students overcome their emotional, personal and psychological problems in an adaptive way. Lectures and Group Counselling Sessions are conducted by the faculty members for the students to make them aware of pertinent social and psychological issues. They are also made aware of the various strategies that can be adopted in order to cope with their problems and lead life effectively, Special care and attention is provided to students during examination times. They are also provided required counselling. 

    Office Bearers:

    Dr. Madhumeet (Dean, Student Welfare)

    Dr. Sharanjit Kaur (Member)


    There is a Counselling Cell located above Balbir Raj Sondhi Library in the college. The timings of the Counselling Cell are from 1.00 to 3.00 PM (Monday to Friday). Any one Faculty from the P.G. Department of Psychology sit in the counselling cell during the said timings. Individual counselling sessions are taken there. The College students can also visit the P.G. Department of Psychology for consultation during the college hours. All the information related to individual counselling sessions is properly maintained. The confidentiality of all the information given by the students during the counselling sessions is maintained. Counselling Services for Hostellers Counselling services are also provided to students who are residing in the college hostel.  There is a Counselling Room in the hostel. The timings of the Counselling Cell are from 3.00 to 5.00 PM (Monday to Friday)For the hostellers, both Individual as well as Group Counselling Sessions are taken, so that, their inter-personal problems, adjustment issues, etc. can be alleviated. The group sessions are taken from time-to-time. All the information related to individual and group counselling sessions is properly maintained. The confidentiality of all the information given by the students during the counselling sessions is maintained. 


    • Individual Counselling
    • Group Counselling
    • Setting up Counselling Booths
    • Displaying posters around the campus
    • Celebrating World Mental Health Day
    • Organising Awareness Campaigns and Webinars
  • Grievance Redressal Cell

    Kanya Maha Vidyalaya Jalandhar, an autonomous body, endeavours to provide a healthy environment for the holistic growth of students. The college has a multi-layered grievance redressal system for the students. It has been established in the college to promote and maintain a conducive and unprejudiced education environment. The main aim of grievance redressal cell is to ensure effective redressal of student’s grievances to solve their academic, administrative and infrastructure related issues with an impartial and fair approach and to make the stay of the students in Kanya Maha Vidyalaya comfortable and stress free. It acts as a bridge between the college authorities and the students. Since its establishment, the cell has been continuously striving to solve problems in a rapid and effective manner. It ensures that the voice of the students is heard, valued and acted upon by providing them with the warmth of confidence required to outgrow the complexities as they progress in life. Furthermore, it builds in the confidence of the students to perform better each day. The students can directly approach the committee members or may approach through the suggestion /complaint box.

    The institution pledges on maintaining the anonymity of the individual and confidentiality of the issue. The college engages in strict action with immediate effect after discussion and consultation with concerned authorities and impartial investigation.

    Committee Members:

    Name Designation
    Dr. Madhumeet Dean Student Welfare
    Mrs. Neeti Kapoor General Grievances Incharge
    Mrs. Mani Khera Member
    Ms. Tarandeepkaur Member
    Dr. Davinder Member
    Mrs. AshimaSahni Member

    Redressal Mechanism 

    The students can reach out to grievance cell members and submit their grievance in writing. The Grievance Redressal Cell pursue and follow them up regularly till their final disposal. The grievance form is available on the college website. The students with a genuine grievance may submit their grievance online through this form.




  • Cell Against Sexual Harassment

    Cell Against Sexual Harassment

    Cell Against Sexual Harassment has been established by Kanya Maha Vidyalaya to provide a healthy and congenial atmosphere to the staff  and students of the College. It extends reassuring support to the staff and students not only in the college premises but beyond also.

    Committee for the Cell against Sexual Harassment deals with issues relating to Sexual harassment. The committee is formed to prevent sexual assault, rape and other related crimes on girl students or the female staff.

    The cell was constituted to meet the basic objectives:

    • To develop the guidelines and norms for a policy against sexual
    • To develop principles and procedures for combating sexual harassment.
    • To organize gender sensitization awareness programme.
    • To deal with cases of discrimination and sexual harassment in a time bound manner, aiming at ensuring support services to the victimized

    The In-charges and Members of the Cell against Sexual Harassment committee are as follows:


    • Dr Madhumeet (Dean, Student Welfare)
    • Neeti Kapoor
    • Ms Mani Khera
    • Ashima Sahni

    Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexually determined behaviour (whether directly or by implication) such as:

    • Verbal or Physical Threats
    • Insulting, Abusive, Embarrassing or Vulgar Comments
    • Offensive gestures, Language, Rumours, Gossip or Jokes.
    • Isolation or Exclusion from normal work or study place.
    • Publishing, Circulating or Displaying pornographic, Racist, Sexually suggestive or Otherwise offensive pictures or other materials.
    • Unwanted physical contact, ranging from an invasion of space to a serious assault.

    The following is also sexual harassment and is covered by the Cell against Sexual Harassment:

    • Eve-teasing
    • Talks causing or likely to cause awkwardness or embarrassment
    • Innuendos and taunts
    • Touching against any part of the body in inappropriate manner or molestation
    • Physical confinement against one’s will and any other act likely to violate one’s privacy

    The Committee Members of Cell against Sexual Harassment have the following Functions and Responsibilities:

    • Promote measures aimed at achieving gender equality, removal of gender bias or discrimination, sexual harassment and other acts of gender-based violence.
    • Organize awareness programmes and campaigns for the benefit of all members of the College on sexual harassment and gender based discrimination.
    • Fulfil the directives of and guidelines issued by the Supreme Court to create an academic and work environment that is free of sexual harassment or gender-based discrimination.
    • Receive and redress complaints received from any member of the College (including students, research scholars, staff, hostel residents and outsiders on College premises) alleging sexual harassment by another member(s) of the College.
    • Conduct formal inquiry and investigate and take decisions up on each complaint and recommend appropriate punishment or action to be taken, by the appropriate authority, in each instance.
    • Engage the services of a professional or other expert in the course of performing its functions.

    Ensure that all information pertaining either to complaints registered and the proceedings and findings of any inquiries and/ or investigation are kept strictly confidential.

  • National Graduate Physics Examination (NGPE)

    National Graduate Physics Examination

    KanyaMahaVidyalaya, Jalandhar an autonomous and heritage institution has been at the fore front in imparting quality education to the students. Students are encouraged to participate in various competitions. Under the able guidance of dynamic Madam PrincipalDr.Atima Sharma, under graduate science students of our college participated in National Graduate Examination in Physics (NGPE) conducted by Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT). National Graduate Physics Examination (NGPE) is the only national level examination testing students in theory and experiment conducted by Indian Association of Physics Teachers. It includes the individual own’s assessment at India level. Students of B.Sc I, II and III having Physics as a subject are eligible for the examination. Our under graduate science students compete at national level with UG students of Miranda house (Delhi), St. Stefan college (Delhi), Punjab University (Patiala), BHU (Varanasi) etc and brought laurels to the institute.


  • Divyangjan Supporting Cell

    At Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (KMV), we believe in inclusivity and providing equal opportunities to all individuals. In line with this ethos, the institution has established a dedicated support cell for Divyangjan, or persons with disabilities. This initiative aims to create an environment that fosters their holistic development and ensures they have access to all the resources they need to succeed. The mission of the Divyangjan Support Cell at KMV is to empower students with disabilities by providing them with necessary support, accommodations, and resources to excel academically, socially, and professionally. The objectives of the support cell include:

    • Providing personalized support and accommodations to meet the diverse needs of students with disabilities.
    • Creating awareness and sensitizing the KMV community about issues related to disability rights and inclusion.
    • Facilitating accessibility and removing physical, informational, and attitudinal barriers on campus.
    • Collaborating with external agencies and organizations to enhance opportunities for skill development, internships, and employment for Divyangjan students.
    • Promoting a culture of empathy, respect, and inclusion within the KMV campus and beyond.

    By providing tailored support, raising awareness, and advocating for the rights of persons with disabilities, KMV continues to uphold its mission of empowering every individual to reach their full potential.

    Faculty Members Involved
    Dr. Madhumeet Coordinator
    Dr. Gurjot Kaur Member
    Dr. Harpreet Kaur Member
    Dr. Rashmi Sharma Member
    Mrs. Ashima Sahni Member
    Dr. Rupika Bhanot Member
    Dr. Narinderjit Kaur Member
    Dr. Sharanjit Kaur Member
    Dr. Ekta Saini Member

Anti-Ragging Cell

Anti Ragging Cell
Dr. Atima Sharma Dwivedi, Ph.D.


Dr. Madhumeet Kaur (Dean student welfare)     

Mrs. Suman Khurana (Member)                   

Mrs. Rashmi Sharma (Member)                   

Mrs.  Amarjot Kaur (Member)                

Dr. Simerjeet Kaur (Member)      

Activities done in the campus to curb ragging 

  • The prospectus issued to aspirants for admission clearly mentions that ragging is Banned in this institution and any one indulging in ragging is likely to be punished Appropriately with punishment which may include expulsion or suspension from the Institution or class for a limited period or fine with a public apology.
  • Anti-ragging committee is there in the institution consisting of senior faculty Members and hostel authorities like wardens and senior students of student council. This Committee keeps a continuous check and vigil over ragging so as to prevent its occurrence.
  • Sensitization programs for students against ragging: The principal and the teaching Staff always interacts with the fresher girls and takes them in confidence by apprising them of Their rights as well as obligation to fight against ragging and to generate confidence in their Mind that any instance of ragging to which they are subjected or which come in their Knowledge shall be promptly dealt with.
  • All vulnerable locations in the college like canteen, lawn etc. Are identified and Specially watched during the working times as well as in off timings.
  • Awareness posters and banners at prominent places.
  • Night duty of warden in the hostel.
  • Affidavit and online registration at
  • CCTV cameras are installed at number of places in the institute to keep check on the Activities of students in corridors, library and other important places.
  • Checking duties are assigned to all CR’S and members of student council to keep the Check over various activities of students,
  • Disciplinary committee of college faculty involved in testing out the behavior and Actions of the students.
  • A complaint box is there in the campus where students can give their points if they hesitate to see the faculty directly.
  • Almost students have registered themselves by filling the anti-ragging form Available on UGC Site and go have got their Ids for the same.

The Department of Student Welfare with student council organised many activities in college to raise student awareness regarding anti-ragging. Many competitions such as poster making, logo making, and slogan writing are organised in which students eagerly participate.


Lost and Found Cell

Lost and Found Cell

Lost and Found cell plays a crucial role by providing a centralized location for students to recover misplaced items. It services as a practical resource for students, helping them retrieve important items such as, keys, text books or any other personal belongings. Additionally, it promotes a supportive and organized campus environment, contributes to a smoother academics routine and reduce the stress associated with lost items which is very beneficial for the overall well-being and learning experience of the students. This service fosters a sense of responsibility among students, teaching them to keep track of their belongings. It instils values of responsibility, accountability and organization in students contributing to their personal and academic development.

Office Bearers

Dr. Madhumeet(Dean, Student Welfare)

Mrs. Mani Khera   (Member)

Counselling Cell

Counselling Cell

The Counselling Cell of the college works under the aegis of Department of Student Welfare. The foremost objective of the counselling cell is to make help students overcome their emotional, personal and psychological problems in an adaptive way. Lectures and Group Counselling Sessions are conducted by the faculty members for the students to make them aware of pertinent social and psychological issues. They are also made aware of the various strategies that can be adopted in order to cope with their problems and lead life effectively, Special care and attention is provided to students during examination times. They are also provided required counselling. 

Office Bearers:

Dr. Madhumeet (Dean, Student Welfare)

Dr. Sharanjit Kaur (Member)


There is a Counselling Cell located above Balbir Raj Sondhi Library in the college. The timings of the Counselling Cell are from 1.00 to 3.00 PM (Monday to Friday). Any one Faculty from the P.G. Department of Psychology sit in the counselling cell during the said timings. Individual counselling sessions are taken there. The College students can also visit the P.G. Department of Psychology for consultation during the college hours. All the information related to individual counselling sessions is properly maintained. The confidentiality of all the information given by the students during the counselling sessions is maintained. Counselling Services for Hostellers Counselling services are also provided to students who are residing in the college hostel.  There is a Counselling Room in the hostel. The timings of the Counselling Cell are from 3.00 to 5.00 PM (Monday to Friday)For the hostellers, both Individual as well as Group Counselling Sessions are taken, so that, their inter-personal problems, adjustment issues, etc. can be alleviated. The group sessions are taken from time-to-time. All the information related to individual and group counselling sessions is properly maintained. The confidentiality of all the information given by the students during the counselling sessions is maintained. 


  • Individual Counselling
  • Group Counselling
  • Setting up Counselling Booths
  • Displaying posters around the campus
  • Celebrating World Mental Health Day
  • Organising Awareness Campaigns and Webinars

Grievance Redressal Cell

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya Jalandhar, an autonomous body, endeavours to provide a healthy environment for the holistic growth of students. The college has a multi-layered grievance redressal system for the students. It has been established in the college to promote and maintain a conducive and unprejudiced education environment. The main aim of grievance redressal cell is to ensure effective redressal of student’s grievances to solve their academic, administrative and infrastructure related issues with an impartial and fair approach and to make the stay of the students in Kanya Maha Vidyalaya comfortable and stress free. It acts as a bridge between the college authorities and the students. Since its establishment, the cell has been continuously striving to solve problems in a rapid and effective manner. It ensures that the voice of the students is heard, valued and acted upon by providing them with the warmth of confidence required to outgrow the complexities as they progress in life. Furthermore, it builds in the confidence of the students to perform better each day. The students can directly approach the committee members or may approach through the suggestion /complaint box.

The institution pledges on maintaining the anonymity of the individual and confidentiality of the issue. The college engages in strict action with immediate effect after discussion and consultation with concerned authorities and impartial investigation.

Committee Members:

Name Designation
Dr. Madhumeet Dean Student Welfare
Mrs. Neeti Kapoor General Grievances Incharge
Mrs. Mani Khera Member
Ms. Tarandeepkaur Member
Dr. Davinder Member
Mrs. AshimaSahni Member

Redressal Mechanism 

The students can reach out to grievance cell members and submit their grievance in writing. The Grievance Redressal Cell pursue and follow them up regularly till their final disposal. The grievance form is available on the college website. The students with a genuine grievance may submit their grievance online through this form.




Cell Against Sexual Harassment

Cell Against Sexual Harassment

Cell Against Sexual Harassment has been established by Kanya Maha Vidyalaya to provide a healthy and congenial atmosphere to the staff  and students of the College. It extends reassuring support to the staff and students not only in the college premises but beyond also.

Committee for the Cell against Sexual Harassment deals with issues relating to Sexual harassment. The committee is formed to prevent sexual assault, rape and other related crimes on girl students or the female staff.

The cell was constituted to meet the basic objectives:

  • To develop the guidelines and norms for a policy against sexual
  • To develop principles and procedures for combating sexual harassment.
  • To organize gender sensitization awareness programme.
  • To deal with cases of discrimination and sexual harassment in a time bound manner, aiming at ensuring support services to the victimized

The In-charges and Members of the Cell against Sexual Harassment committee are as follows:


  • Dr Madhumeet (Dean, Student Welfare)
  • Neeti Kapoor
  • Ms Mani Khera
  • Ashima Sahni

Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexually determined behaviour (whether directly or by implication) such as:

  • Verbal or Physical Threats
  • Insulting, Abusive, Embarrassing or Vulgar Comments
  • Offensive gestures, Language, Rumours, Gossip or Jokes.
  • Isolation or Exclusion from normal work or study place.
  • Publishing, Circulating or Displaying pornographic, Racist, Sexually suggestive or Otherwise offensive pictures or other materials.
  • Unwanted physical contact, ranging from an invasion of space to a serious assault.

The following is also sexual harassment and is covered by the Cell against Sexual Harassment:

  • Eve-teasing
  • Talks causing or likely to cause awkwardness or embarrassment
  • Innuendos and taunts
  • Touching against any part of the body in inappropriate manner or molestation
  • Physical confinement against one’s will and any other act likely to violate one’s privacy

The Committee Members of Cell against Sexual Harassment have the following Functions and Responsibilities:

  • Promote measures aimed at achieving gender equality, removal of gender bias or discrimination, sexual harassment and other acts of gender-based violence.
  • Organize awareness programmes and campaigns for the benefit of all members of the College on sexual harassment and gender based discrimination.
  • Fulfil the directives of and guidelines issued by the Supreme Court to create an academic and work environment that is free of sexual harassment or gender-based discrimination.
  • Receive and redress complaints received from any member of the College (including students, research scholars, staff, hostel residents and outsiders on College premises) alleging sexual harassment by another member(s) of the College.
  • Conduct formal inquiry and investigate and take decisions up on each complaint and recommend appropriate punishment or action to be taken, by the appropriate authority, in each instance.
  • Engage the services of a professional or other expert in the course of performing its functions.

Ensure that all information pertaining either to complaints registered and the proceedings and findings of any inquiries and/ or investigation are kept strictly confidential.

National Graduate Physics Examination (NGPE)

National Graduate Physics Examination

KanyaMahaVidyalaya, Jalandhar an autonomous and heritage institution has been at the fore front in imparting quality education to the students. Students are encouraged to participate in various competitions. Under the able guidance of dynamic Madam PrincipalDr.Atima Sharma, under graduate science students of our college participated in National Graduate Examination in Physics (NGPE) conducted by Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT). National Graduate Physics Examination (NGPE) is the only national level examination testing students in theory and experiment conducted by Indian Association of Physics Teachers. It includes the individual own’s assessment at India level. Students of B.Sc I, II and III having Physics as a subject are eligible for the examination. Our under graduate science students compete at national level with UG students of Miranda house (Delhi), St. Stefan college (Delhi), Punjab University (Patiala), BHU (Varanasi) etc and brought laurels to the institute.


Divyangjan Supporting Cell

At Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (KMV), we believe in inclusivity and providing equal opportunities to all individuals. In line with this ethos, the institution has established a dedicated support cell for Divyangjan, or persons with disabilities. This initiative aims to create an environment that fosters their holistic development and ensures they have access to all the resources they need to succeed. The mission of the Divyangjan Support Cell at KMV is to empower students with disabilities by providing them with necessary support, accommodations, and resources to excel academically, socially, and professionally. The objectives of the support cell include:

  • Providing personalized support and accommodations to meet the diverse needs of students with disabilities.
  • Creating awareness and sensitizing the KMV community about issues related to disability rights and inclusion.
  • Facilitating accessibility and removing physical, informational, and attitudinal barriers on campus.
  • Collaborating with external agencies and organizations to enhance opportunities for skill development, internships, and employment for Divyangjan students.
  • Promoting a culture of empathy, respect, and inclusion within the KMV campus and beyond.

By providing tailored support, raising awareness, and advocating for the rights of persons with disabilities, KMV continues to uphold its mission of empowering every individual to reach their full potential.

Faculty Members Involved
Dr. Madhumeet Coordinator
Dr. Gurjot Kaur Member
Dr. Harpreet Kaur Member
Dr. Rashmi Sharma Member
Mrs. Ashima Sahni Member
Dr. Rupika Bhanot Member
Dr. Narinderjit Kaur Member
Dr. Sharanjit Kaur Member
Dr. Ekta Saini Member


  • Red Ribbon Club

    Red Ribbon club aims at harnessing the potential of the youth by equipping them with correct information on HIV/AIDS prevention. Red Ribbon is the international symbol of HIV and AIDS. Red Ribbon Club create and train students to spread awareness about HIV and AIDS and its prevention in the community. It works to induce the spirit among youth to help and support people living with HIV/AIDS thereby reducing stigma and discrimination against them.

    S. No Activities Performed
    1. Plantation Drive
    2. World AIDS Day
    3. World Cancer Day
    4. World TB Day
    5. Blood Donation Camp

    Office Bearers:

    Dr. Madhumeet (Dean, Department of Student Welfare)

    Dr. Manju Sahni

  • Discipline Squad and Cleanliness Cops

    In Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, the establishment of the Discipline Squad and Cleanliness Cops ensures that the campus remains a beacon of order, respect, and environmental consciousness. These two groups are pivotal in upholding the institution’s values and contributing significantly to the well-being and holistic development of the students.The Discipline Squad at Kanya Maha Vidyalaya aims to maintain a respectful and orderly environment that is conducive to learning and personal growth. By enforcing the institution’s code of conduct, this squad ensures that discipline is preserved and students adhere to the ethical standards expected of them.The Cleanliness Cops are dedicated to promoting and maintaining high standards of cleanliness, hygiene, and environmental stewardship throughout Kanya Maha Vidyalaya. This team plays a crucial role in ensuring that the campus is not only clean but also provides a healthy atmosphere for students to learn and grow.

    Together, the Discipline Squad and Cleanliness Cops of Kanya Maha Vidyalaya play integral roles in shaping a disciplined, respectful, and clean educational environment. Their collaborative efforts help in nurturing responsible, conscientious, and environmentally aware individuals who are prepared to lead and excel in their future endeavors.

    Activities organised:

    • Organizes regular cleaning drives involving students and staff to clean different parts of the campus, instilling a sense of responsibility and care for the environment.
    • Educates the student body about the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling to minimize environmental impact.
    • Conducts workshops and seminars on hygiene, public health, and environmental conservation.
    • Vigilantly upholds the school’s rules and regulations concerning student behavior, attendance, uniform compliance, and general decorum.
    • Addresses and resolves incidents of misconduct and ensures appropriate disciplinary measures are taken.
    • Implements preventive strategies such as awareness campaigns about the importance of discipline and respect within the school community.
    • Offers guidance and counselling to students to help them understand the importance of self-discipline and ethical conduct.
  • Reader’s Club

    Reader’s Club is immaculately working under the aegis of Department of Student Welfare. Readers’ Club organises various activities to inculcate the love for reading and evolve the passion of reading among the students. It provides students with exciting opportunities of showcasing their talents and creativity in the activities like Bookmark Making Competition, Calligraphy Competition and Book Review Competition where participants review the books they have read and share their observations with the other students. Winners of the competitions are appreciated and awarded. There are books in the student generated library that are made available to the students both boarders and day scholars. The student leaders actively participate in the promotion of the Readers’ Club. Students are made aware of the importance of reading books and are also encouraged to donate books for the benefit of others. Teachers recommend books to the students. Students are encouraged to exchange and recommend books to others. This encourages other students to engage themselves into reading books. Readers’ Club works with the sole purpose of developing not only intellectual but critical faculties of the students as well.

    Office Bearers: 

    Dr. Madhumeet

    Dr. Neetu Verma

    Dr. Shalini Gulati

    Activities under Reader’s Club

    • Book Review Competition
    • Self-Composed Poetry Recitation Competition
    • Bookmark Making Competition
    • Calligraphy Competition
  • Student Wellness Club

    For Mental, Emotional & Physical Well being

    The Student Wellness Club was established in 2013 under the aegis of Student Welfare Department. It aims at the holistic development and wellness of the students. The main objectives of the club are to:

    • Make students aware of significance of good health
    • To inculcate healthy habits in them
    • To make our wards aware of good eating habits and need of consuming healthy and nutritious diet
    • To ensure that the wellness is all encompassing and includes physical, mental and psychological wellness
    • Complete wellness will help the young girls utilize the maximum energy in creativity, academic excellence and discovery and exploration of the best in the world
    • Healthy body and mind was pave way for personality development and will transform the students into world class readers- who will be assets to the society


    • Talks on Hygiene
    • Talks by Dietitians
    • Competitions on Healthy Food
    • Competitions on Oil Free Food
    • Competitions on Fire Free Food
    • Observing No- Tobacco Day
    • AIDS Awareness Day
    • HemoglobienCheck Up
    • Blood Pressure Check Up
    • Dental Camp
    • Eye Camp
    • No to Drugs Campaign- Oath Taking, Slogan Making , Poster Making Competitions, Rangoli Making Competitions
    • Observing World Health Day, World Cancer Day etc.
    • Motivational Talks
    • Motivating Students to join on campus Health Club/ Gym
    • Motivating students to participate in Yoga and Self Defense Classes

    Office bearers of Student Wellness Club

    • Madhumeet
    • Rashmi Sharma
    • Neetu Verma
    • Niti Kapoor
    • Ashima Sahni
    • Sonik Bhatia
  • Stress Buster Club

    In the bustling life of Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, where students often navigate between academics, extracurriculars, and personal commitments, maintaining mental well-being is crucial. Recognizing this need, the Stress Buster Club stands out as a sanctuary dedicated to promoting mental health and stress management among the student body.Founded with the vision to foster a supportive community where students can learn and practice stress-relief techniques, the Stress Buster Club operates under the guidance of compassionate faculty members alongside enthusiastic student leaders. The club’s activities are meticulously designed to cater to various interests, ensuring that every student can find a method of relaxation that resonates with them.

    The Stress Buster Club is more than just a club; it’s a movement towards a balanced lifestyle. It empowers the students of Kanya Maha Vidyalaya by equipping them with tools to handle stress effectively, thereby enhancing their overall academic experience and personal growth. Through its dedicated efforts, the club nurtures a culture where mental well-being is prioritized, making the college journey not only successful but also enjoyable for every student.

    Office Bearers:

    Dr. Madhumeet

    Dr. Davinder Singh 

    Activities by Stress Buster Club 

    • Celebrating National Sports Day
    • Organising Athletics Meet
    • Organising Star Cast visits
    • Organising various Awareness Drives
    • Organising KMV Spring Carnival

    Click here for Photos

  • Saplings of Life Club

    Saplings of Life Club works under the aegis of Department of Student Welfare. The club is whole heartedly dedicated to the cause of environment preservation and the empowerment of girls. Along with the teachers, the student community also volunteers itself with the aim of empowering women and also raises awareness among students regarding the environmental issues and promotes the participation of students towards the conservation and sustainability of nature. Saplings of Life Club works towards instilling a sense of responsibility among students regarding the need of empowering women and making them aware of their rights. The student community works relentlessly to spread awareness regarding the issues related to campus cleanliness. They work towards the promotion of clean and green campus. Under Saplings of Life Club, students work actively and take keen interest in planting saplings on campus and off campus along with nurturing the already planted trees in the campus. Both women and environment related days are celebrated with great enthusiasm. Awareness rallies and plantation drives are organised time to time for the students to motivate them to act as responsible citizens making humble contribution for the betterment of the Saplings of Life- Nature and Women. The club also organises workshops, NukkarNataks, cleanliness drives and many other activities for the betterment of women and environment not only in the campus but also in the city, nearby villages, and schools.

    Office Bearers:

    Dr. Madhumeet(Dean, Student Welfare)

    Dr. Monica Sharma (Member)

    Dr. Manju Sahni (Member)

    Activities Performed:

    • Tree Plantation by the students
    • Organising various workshops, seminars, and webinars on Women Empowerment
    • Celebrating Festivals Eco- Friendly
    • Organising Awareness rallies
  • Book Bank

    “KMV’s Benevolent Book Distribution: Empowering Students with Free Educational Resources” 

    Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous & Heritage Institution) proudly unveils “KMV Book Bank” led by the Department of Student Welfare, a commendable initiative endeavors to provide students with essential academic resources by distributing textbooks free of cost each semester. This initiative aims to facilitate students in their academic pursuits. The Book Bank at KMV is a regular and ongoing program, spanning a period of 10 days, ensuring that no student in need of textbooks is overlooked. Principal Prof. (Dr.) Atima Sharma Dwivedi emphasizes the significance of KMV’s Book Bank as one of the institution’s outstanding initiatives. Members of student council took the responsibility on their shoulders for the smooth functioning of book Bank. Students actively participate by depositing syllabus-oriented books from their previous classes into the Book Bank, creating a resource pool for those seeking educational materials. This process eliminates the need for students to purchase these books. Additionally, the Book Bank fosters a sense of responsibility among students as they engage in the collective effort of sharing educational resources. Subjects such as English, History, Chemistry, Mathematics, and more are covered, and this cycle of donation and collection ensures a continuous availability of books for the student community. KMV remains committed to promoting accessibility to educational materials and cultivating a culture of responsible citizenship among its students.

    The Book Bank of the college is active throughout the session. Students can donate syllabus-oriented books of their previous classes to the council members. The stalls are arranged by the members accordingly for the needy students through which they are offered books free of cost.

    Engaged and committed faculty members contributing to the success of the Book Bank initiative

    Name Designation
    Dr. Madhumeet Kaur Dean Student Welfare
    Dr. ManjuSahni Head P.G. Department of Chemistry

  • Eco Club

    Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, Jalandhar established an KMV-ECO Club in 2024 under the aegis of State Nodal Agency of Punjab State Council for Science and Technology and MoEF&CC, Govt. of India. The main aim of this club was to promote environmental awareness, sustainability, and eco-friendly practices within the community or organization. Our club serves as a platform for individuals who share a passion for protecting the environment and are committed to taking action to address pressing ecological issues. Eco-Club mission is to educate, inspire, and empower members to make a positive impact on the environment through various initiatives and activities. By fostering a sense of environmental stewardship and promoting sustainable living practices, we aim to create a more environmentally conscious and resilient community. Eco Club of Kanya Maha Vidyalaya is playing an active role in bringing awareness among the students, so that everyone will join hands to protect mother earth.

    Office Bearers:

    Dr. Madhumeet (Dean, Student Welfare)

    Dr. Sandeep Kaur (Nodal Officer)

    Dr. Mandeep Kaur (Member)

    Dr. Monika Goyal (Member)

Red Ribbon Club

Red Ribbon club aims at harnessing the potential of the youth by equipping them with correct information on HIV/AIDS prevention. Red Ribbon is the international symbol of HIV and AIDS. Red Ribbon Club create and train students to spread awareness about HIV and AIDS and its prevention in the community. It works to induce the spirit among youth to help and support people living with HIV/AIDS thereby reducing stigma and discrimination against them.

S. No Activities Performed
1. Plantation Drive
2. World AIDS Day
3. World Cancer Day
4. World TB Day
5. Blood Donation Camp

Office Bearers:

Dr. Madhumeet (Dean, Department of Student Welfare)

Dr. Manju Sahni

Discipline Squad and Cleanliness Cops

In Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, the establishment of the Discipline Squad and Cleanliness Cops ensures that the campus remains a beacon of order, respect, and environmental consciousness. These two groups are pivotal in upholding the institution’s values and contributing significantly to the well-being and holistic development of the students.The Discipline Squad at Kanya Maha Vidyalaya aims to maintain a respectful and orderly environment that is conducive to learning and personal growth. By enforcing the institution’s code of conduct, this squad ensures that discipline is preserved and students adhere to the ethical standards expected of them.The Cleanliness Cops are dedicated to promoting and maintaining high standards of cleanliness, hygiene, and environmental stewardship throughout Kanya Maha Vidyalaya. This team plays a crucial role in ensuring that the campus is not only clean but also provides a healthy atmosphere for students to learn and grow.

Together, the Discipline Squad and Cleanliness Cops of Kanya Maha Vidyalaya play integral roles in shaping a disciplined, respectful, and clean educational environment. Their collaborative efforts help in nurturing responsible, conscientious, and environmentally aware individuals who are prepared to lead and excel in their future endeavors.

Activities organised:

  • Organizes regular cleaning drives involving students and staff to clean different parts of the campus, instilling a sense of responsibility and care for the environment.
  • Educates the student body about the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling to minimize environmental impact.
  • Conducts workshops and seminars on hygiene, public health, and environmental conservation.
  • Vigilantly upholds the school’s rules and regulations concerning student behavior, attendance, uniform compliance, and general decorum.
  • Addresses and resolves incidents of misconduct and ensures appropriate disciplinary measures are taken.
  • Implements preventive strategies such as awareness campaigns about the importance of discipline and respect within the school community.
  • Offers guidance and counselling to students to help them understand the importance of self-discipline and ethical conduct.

Reader’s Club

Reader’s Club is immaculately working under the aegis of Department of Student Welfare. Readers’ Club organises various activities to inculcate the love for reading and evolve the passion of reading among the students. It provides students with exciting opportunities of showcasing their talents and creativity in the activities like Bookmark Making Competition, Calligraphy Competition and Book Review Competition where participants review the books they have read and share their observations with the other students. Winners of the competitions are appreciated and awarded. There are books in the student generated library that are made available to the students both boarders and day scholars. The student leaders actively participate in the promotion of the Readers’ Club. Students are made aware of the importance of reading books and are also encouraged to donate books for the benefit of others. Teachers recommend books to the students. Students are encouraged to exchange and recommend books to others. This encourages other students to engage themselves into reading books. Readers’ Club works with the sole purpose of developing not only intellectual but critical faculties of the students as well.

Office Bearers: 

Dr. Madhumeet

Dr. Neetu Verma

Dr. Shalini Gulati

Activities under Reader’s Club

  • Book Review Competition
  • Self-Composed Poetry Recitation Competition
  • Bookmark Making Competition
  • Calligraphy Competition

Student Wellness Club

For Mental, Emotional & Physical Well being

The Student Wellness Club was established in 2013 under the aegis of Student Welfare Department. It aims at the holistic development and wellness of the students. The main objectives of the club are to:

  • Make students aware of significance of good health
  • To inculcate healthy habits in them
  • To make our wards aware of good eating habits and need of consuming healthy and nutritious diet
  • To ensure that the wellness is all encompassing and includes physical, mental and psychological wellness
  • Complete wellness will help the young girls utilize the maximum energy in creativity, academic excellence and discovery and exploration of the best in the world
  • Healthy body and mind was pave way for personality development and will transform the students into world class readers- who will be assets to the society


  • Talks on Hygiene
  • Talks by Dietitians
  • Competitions on Healthy Food
  • Competitions on Oil Free Food
  • Competitions on Fire Free Food
  • Observing No- Tobacco Day
  • AIDS Awareness Day
  • HemoglobienCheck Up
  • Blood Pressure Check Up
  • Dental Camp
  • Eye Camp
  • No to Drugs Campaign- Oath Taking, Slogan Making , Poster Making Competitions, Rangoli Making Competitions
  • Observing World Health Day, World Cancer Day etc.
  • Motivational Talks
  • Motivating Students to join on campus Health Club/ Gym
  • Motivating students to participate in Yoga and Self Defense Classes

Office bearers of Student Wellness Club

  • Madhumeet
  • Rashmi Sharma
  • Neetu Verma
  • Niti Kapoor
  • Ashima Sahni
  • Sonik Bhatia

Stress Buster Club

In the bustling life of Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, where students often navigate between academics, extracurriculars, and personal commitments, maintaining mental well-being is crucial. Recognizing this need, the Stress Buster Club stands out as a sanctuary dedicated to promoting mental health and stress management among the student body.Founded with the vision to foster a supportive community where students can learn and practice stress-relief techniques, the Stress Buster Club operates under the guidance of compassionate faculty members alongside enthusiastic student leaders. The club’s activities are meticulously designed to cater to various interests, ensuring that every student can find a method of relaxation that resonates with them.

The Stress Buster Club is more than just a club; it’s a movement towards a balanced lifestyle. It empowers the students of Kanya Maha Vidyalaya by equipping them with tools to handle stress effectively, thereby enhancing their overall academic experience and personal growth. Through its dedicated efforts, the club nurtures a culture where mental well-being is prioritized, making the college journey not only successful but also enjoyable for every student.

Office Bearers:

Dr. Madhumeet

Dr. Davinder Singh 

Activities by Stress Buster Club 

  • Celebrating National Sports Day
  • Organising Athletics Meet
  • Organising Star Cast visits
  • Organising various Awareness Drives
  • Organising KMV Spring Carnival

Click here for Photos

Saplings of Life Club

Saplings of Life Club works under the aegis of Department of Student Welfare. The club is whole heartedly dedicated to the cause of environment preservation and the empowerment of girls. Along with the teachers, the student community also volunteers itself with the aim of empowering women and also raises awareness among students regarding the environmental issues and promotes the participation of students towards the conservation and sustainability of nature. Saplings of Life Club works towards instilling a sense of responsibility among students regarding the need of empowering women and making them aware of their rights. The student community works relentlessly to spread awareness regarding the issues related to campus cleanliness. They work towards the promotion of clean and green campus. Under Saplings of Life Club, students work actively and take keen interest in planting saplings on campus and off campus along with nurturing the already planted trees in the campus. Both women and environment related days are celebrated with great enthusiasm. Awareness rallies and plantation drives are organised time to time for the students to motivate them to act as responsible citizens making humble contribution for the betterment of the Saplings of Life- Nature and Women. The club also organises workshops, NukkarNataks, cleanliness drives and many other activities for the betterment of women and environment not only in the campus but also in the city, nearby villages, and schools.

Office Bearers:

Dr. Madhumeet(Dean, Student Welfare)

Dr. Monica Sharma (Member)

Dr. Manju Sahni (Member)

Activities Performed:

  • Tree Plantation by the students
  • Organising various workshops, seminars, and webinars on Women Empowerment
  • Celebrating Festivals Eco- Friendly
  • Organising Awareness rallies

Book Bank

“KMV’s Benevolent Book Distribution: Empowering Students with Free Educational Resources” 

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous & Heritage Institution) proudly unveils “KMV Book Bank” led by the Department of Student Welfare, a commendable initiative endeavors to provide students with essential academic resources by distributing textbooks free of cost each semester. This initiative aims to facilitate students in their academic pursuits. The Book Bank at KMV is a regular and ongoing program, spanning a period of 10 days, ensuring that no student in need of textbooks is overlooked. Principal Prof. (Dr.) Atima Sharma Dwivedi emphasizes the significance of KMV’s Book Bank as one of the institution’s outstanding initiatives. Members of student council took the responsibility on their shoulders for the smooth functioning of book Bank. Students actively participate by depositing syllabus-oriented books from their previous classes into the Book Bank, creating a resource pool for those seeking educational materials. This process eliminates the need for students to purchase these books. Additionally, the Book Bank fosters a sense of responsibility among students as they engage in the collective effort of sharing educational resources. Subjects such as English, History, Chemistry, Mathematics, and more are covered, and this cycle of donation and collection ensures a continuous availability of books for the student community. KMV remains committed to promoting accessibility to educational materials and cultivating a culture of responsible citizenship among its students.

The Book Bank of the college is active throughout the session. Students can donate syllabus-oriented books of their previous classes to the council members. The stalls are arranged by the members accordingly for the needy students through which they are offered books free of cost.

Engaged and committed faculty members contributing to the success of the Book Bank initiative

Name Designation
Dr. Madhumeet Kaur Dean Student Welfare
Dr. ManjuSahni Head P.G. Department of Chemistry

Eco Club

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, Jalandhar established an KMV-ECO Club in 2024 under the aegis of State Nodal Agency of Punjab State Council for Science and Technology and MoEF&CC, Govt. of India. The main aim of this club was to promote environmental awareness, sustainability, and eco-friendly practices within the community or organization. Our club serves as a platform for individuals who share a passion for protecting the environment and are committed to taking action to address pressing ecological issues. Eco-Club mission is to educate, inspire, and empower members to make a positive impact on the environment through various initiatives and activities. By fostering a sense of environmental stewardship and promoting sustainable living practices, we aim to create a more environmentally conscious and resilient community. Eco Club of Kanya Maha Vidyalaya is playing an active role in bringing awareness among the students, so that everyone will join hands to protect mother earth.

Office Bearers:

Dr. Madhumeet (Dean, Student Welfare)

Dr. Sandeep Kaur (Nodal Officer)

Dr. Mandeep Kaur (Member)

Dr. Monika Goyal (Member)


  • Student Council

    Student Council is the selection of student leaders who constantly support the institution. Department ofStudent Welfare guides, mentors and leads this student body. This session more than hundred studentcouncil members performed duties, organised various events and contributed in all activities of the college. Along with handling the responsibilities, the student council members themselves intensively participated in the activities marking an example of prime multitasking.

    The Student Council at Kanya Maha Vidyalaya embodies the spirit of leadership, collaboration, and student advocacy, playing a pivotal role in enhancing the campus experience for all students. As a dynamic body elected by their peers, the council serves as the voice of the student community, bridging the gap between students and the administration.The mission of the Student Council is to foster an inclusive and engaging educational environment where all students can flourish academically, socially, and personally. The council is committed to representing the diverse needs of the student body, promoting student rights, and facilitating a supportive network that encourages student involvement in a variety of campus initiatives.

    The council organizes a wide array of events ranging from cultural festivals and sports competitions to leadership workshops and academic seminars. These events aim to enrich the student experience and foster a vibrant campus culture.The council provides a support network for students, offering peer mentoring programs, mental health resources, and academic assistance. They also play a critical role in crisis management, ensuring that students have access to necessary support during emergencies.

    The Student Council at Kanya Maha Vidyalaya is not just a platform for student leadership; it is a testament to the empowerment and active participation of students in shaping their educational journey and overall college experience. Through its dedicated efforts, the council continues to inspire and empower students, paving the way for future leaders and innovators.

  • Canteen & Mess Committee

    The Hostel Mess of KMV provides safe and wholesome food to the students coming from different home-towns. In the mess just like home kitchens. The committee has been formulated which is responsible for monitoring the operations of the mess at regular intervals and reviewing it. It acts as a bridge between the administration, caterer, hostel authorities and the students by keeping frequent meetings throughout the session.

    The objectives are:

    • To facilitate the availability of quality and variety of food to hostel students and staff members
    • To review and finalize the menu of the hostel mess in consultation with caterer and the students
    • To maintain and keep a check on the quality of food, kitchen sanitation and storage spaces, serving and cooking utensils as well as proper disposal of waste
    • To ensure that the mess staff maintains high standards of health & hygiene
    • To encourage long term healthy eating habits amongst the students
    • To be empathetic towards the specific food needs of the college’s multi-cultural students, sickness etc.
  • Infrastructure & Beautification Committee

    Infrastructure & Beautification Committee

    A well-maintained college campus provides a safe and attractive learning environment for the students. The beautification introduces architectural, artistic & landscaping features in the college campus.


    • The educational objective of the beautification is to provide opportunities to the students to learn about the college history, environment and biodiversity of plants as well
    • By taking initiatives in these projects, students play leadership roles and take responsibility in the planning and execution of the beautification plans. This participation can instill a sense of pride and ownership in the students for their institution
    • Working with peers and planning with them provides personal development opportunities
    • Plantation of new trees, shrubs & flowers help to create a clean and attractive learning environment and connects the students directly to the earth increasing their environmental awareness

    Office Bearers

    1. Dr. Manju
    2. Dr. Archana
    3. Mrs.Shikha Vashisht
    4. Mrs.Deepika Vashisht
  • Information & Display Boards Committee

    Objectives of Information and Display Boards Committee

    • To ensure effective communication of the intended messages to the students.
    • To promote the creativity and innovation of the students.
    • To use Information boards as an effective educational media.
    • To ensure upcoming events and other important announcements are updated from time to time.
    • To motivate the students by displaying the inspiring journeys of successful people.

    Office Bearers

    1. Madhumeet
    2. Harpreet  (FD)
    3. Pradeep Arora
  • Mentoring Committee

    Mentoring is the scheme for helping the students to make their own informed decisions and to build up confidence in the students. This may include their personal problems, study related problems, confidence level, decision making ability, how to crack competitive exams and many more. In this every student have their mentor. She can freely interact with them or even she can interact with any mentor present in the college.

    Main Objectives of the Mentor

    • Help new learner to settle in the college/course.
    • Help student to see the way ahead-progression and career opportunities.
    • Provide support for the individuals who might be isolated or lock support and self-confidence.
    • Help mentee to manage time, plan and priorities work, set goals and action plan; gain a better understanding to their studies.
    • Offer appropriate advice and guidance/counselling of any issue of the student.

    In the mentoring booklet mentors’ have data of allotted student like Name, Class, subject, Roll No, Contact No, address and E-mail ID. In this booklet Academic Record of the student has also been mentioned. Out of these record teachers can find the detail like in which subject student is excelling and in which one she is weak. Mentor can find the weakness and strength of the students in particular subject.

    Office Bearers

    1. Dr. Madhumeet
    2. Dr. Sonik
  • Scholarship, Concessions & Financial Aid Committee

    Main Objectives of this committee:

    • Discuss Concession Policy for students from economically backward families.
    • Discuss the awards and prizes awarded to the students.
    • Discuss Policy for Scholarship provided by various societies.
    • Discuss need-based concessions to the students from economically weaker families depending upon the family conditions
      • Family Income
      • of Brother & Sisters
      • No of earning members in the familyof dependents


    Ms. Amarpreet Khurana (Incharge  )

    Dr. Neeraj Maini

    Ms. Hardeep Kaur


  • PTM Committee

    The different departments of college organize Parent-Teacher Meeting in their respective Faculty Rooms. The main purpose of committee is to create a common platform, where teachers and parents come together to enrich the students’ educational experiences and discuss variety of issues, regarding all round development of students.

     Main Objectives of the committee

    • Welcome and introduction of teachers and parents.
    • To provide information about various student-oriented activities and schemes run at the college level as well as departmental level.
    • To discuss both the strengths and areas of improvement in the performance of students.
    • Suggestions from parents.
    • Any subject with permission of the Principal.


    Dr Madhumeet

    Mrs Rashmi Sharma

    Dr Neetu Verma

    Mr Pardeep Arora


  • Remedial Classes Committee

    Objectives of Organizing the Remedial Classes:

    1. To motivate and help the academically weaker students to realize their weakness and help them to improve on their fronts.
    2. To improve academic skills of the students in various subjects.
    3. To raise the level of comprehension of different subjects of advanced learners to provide a stronger base for further academic work.
    4. To strengthen the knowledge of advanced learners in each subject.

    In the course of teaching process during regular class lectures, slow learners and advanced learners are identified. The head of the departments keep a record of these students. The remedial classes are organized from Monday to Saturday in the 9th lecture. The HODs and the class-in-charges have been given the responsibility of addressing the problems of the weaker students.

    General strategies adopted for facilitating slow and advanced learners

    • Regular class interaction
    • Class tests
    • Mid-Semester Tests
    • End-Semester

    Specific steps adopted for slow learners

    • Tutorials, discussions, interactions and remedial coaching.
    • Personal, academic and social counselling.
    • Concept clarification and problem-solving exercises.
    • Bilingual explanations and discussions.
    • Provision for simplified but standard lecture notes/course material.
    • Revision of topics.
    • Enhancement of communication skills & art of reading-learning.
    • Trial tests and mock examinations.

    Specific steps adopted for advanced students

    • Provision of additional learning reference material – books & reviews.
    • Access to recent educational aids through internet.
    • Assignment preparation on latest advancements based on reference books, CDs and various web-based resources.
    • Arrangement of student seminars on selected reference topics.
    • Participation in quiz, debate and problem solving & other decision-making exercises.
    • Extensive participation in project work based on theoretical data/practical work/survey data/case studies.

    Office Bearers

      1. Mrs. Praminder
      2. Dr. Madhumeet
      3. Dr. Neeraj Maini
  • Student Attendance Committee

    Objectives of Student Attendance Committee

    • To keep track of students’ attendance and to ascertain whether there is any correlation between their attendance and performance and if so, to what degree.
    • To encourage maximum class attendance.
    • To encourage students to apply their time and attention toward obtaining the maximum benefits for their education.
    • To place the primary responsibility for college attendance upon students and parents.
    • To provide teachers, counselors, and administrators more time to accomplish their primary responsibilities as educators.
    • To eliminate excessive absenteeism.
    • To provide alternative consequences for excessive absences.
    • To reward good and perfect attendance.

    Office Bearers

    Dr. Pradeep Arora

  • Resident Life Committee

    The student’s hostel was founded in 1886. Its aim is to provide good and healthy environment to the students. The college boarding house situated within the precincts of the college, consist of four hostel wings. Hostel lfe in KMV invites the boarders to enjoy their sojourn in a home away from home in the most fruitful and truly memorable way.



    • To involve all students in positive living environment to assist students in social and recreation outlets by establishing constructive ways to use leisure time
    • To raise the level of education and cultural awareness of students
    • To provide assistance in the learning process
    • To offer opportunities for exploring academic and vocational interest
    • To ensure an atmosphere of mutual adjustability and emotional security for personality development of the residential scholars

    Office Bearers

    1. Dr. Madhumeet
    2. Dr. Neeraj Sharma
    3. Dr. Deepika
    4. Dr. Sandeep
  • Transport Committee

    The college provides a secure transport facility to the students of college. The transport has total 32 routes in the areas nearby Jalandhar city within the radius of 50 kms. The transport team is committed to provide well managed and secure transportation to students of college. The objectives of the committee are:

    1. We ensure security of students while travelling.
    2. Time to time repair of buses and vans.
    3. Modification in the routes of buses according to the need of students.
    4. Suggestion of new routes in accordance with new admissions in college.
    5. Fixation of bus fees for new and old routes.
    6. To provide transport facility to students for special activities like sports, N.C.C. , N.S.S. and other social activities.


    1. Dr.H.S. Sethi
    2. Dr.Anushobha
    3. Mr.Gorakh Singh



Student Council

Student Council is the selection of student leaders who constantly support the institution. Department ofStudent Welfare guides, mentors and leads this student body. This session more than hundred studentcouncil members performed duties, organised various events and contributed in all activities of the college. Along with handling the responsibilities, the student council members themselves intensively participated in the activities marking an example of prime multitasking.

The Student Council at Kanya Maha Vidyalaya embodies the spirit of leadership, collaboration, and student advocacy, playing a pivotal role in enhancing the campus experience for all students. As a dynamic body elected by their peers, the council serves as the voice of the student community, bridging the gap between students and the administration.The mission of the Student Council is to foster an inclusive and engaging educational environment where all students can flourish academically, socially, and personally. The council is committed to representing the diverse needs of the student body, promoting student rights, and facilitating a supportive network that encourages student involvement in a variety of campus initiatives.

The council organizes a wide array of events ranging from cultural festivals and sports competitions to leadership workshops and academic seminars. These events aim to enrich the student experience and foster a vibrant campus culture.The council provides a support network for students, offering peer mentoring programs, mental health resources, and academic assistance. They also play a critical role in crisis management, ensuring that students have access to necessary support during emergencies.

The Student Council at Kanya Maha Vidyalaya is not just a platform for student leadership; it is a testament to the empowerment and active participation of students in shaping their educational journey and overall college experience. Through its dedicated efforts, the council continues to inspire and empower students, paving the way for future leaders and innovators.

Canteen & Mess Committee

The Hostel Mess of KMV provides safe and wholesome food to the students coming from different home-towns. In the mess just like home kitchens. The committee has been formulated which is responsible for monitoring the operations of the mess at regular intervals and reviewing it. It acts as a bridge between the administration, caterer, hostel authorities and the students by keeping frequent meetings throughout the session.

The objectives are:

  • To facilitate the availability of quality and variety of food to hostel students and staff members
  • To review and finalize the menu of the hostel mess in consultation with caterer and the students
  • To maintain and keep a check on the quality of food, kitchen sanitation and storage spaces, serving and cooking utensils as well as proper disposal of waste
  • To ensure that the mess staff maintains high standards of health & hygiene
  • To encourage long term healthy eating habits amongst the students
  • To be empathetic towards the specific food needs of the college’s multi-cultural students, sickness etc.

Infrastructure & Beautification Committee

Infrastructure & Beautification Committee

A well-maintained college campus provides a safe and attractive learning environment for the students. The beautification introduces architectural, artistic & landscaping features in the college campus.


  • The educational objective of the beautification is to provide opportunities to the students to learn about the college history, environment and biodiversity of plants as well
  • By taking initiatives in these projects, students play leadership roles and take responsibility in the planning and execution of the beautification plans. This participation can instill a sense of pride and ownership in the students for their institution
  • Working with peers and planning with them provides personal development opportunities
  • Plantation of new trees, shrubs & flowers help to create a clean and attractive learning environment and connects the students directly to the earth increasing their environmental awareness

Office Bearers

  1. Dr. Manju
  2. Dr. Archana
  3. Mrs.Shikha Vashisht
  4. Mrs.Deepika Vashisht

Information & Display Boards Committee

Objectives of Information and Display Boards Committee

  • To ensure effective communication of the intended messages to the students.
  • To promote the creativity and innovation of the students.
  • To use Information boards as an effective educational media.
  • To ensure upcoming events and other important announcements are updated from time to time.
  • To motivate the students by displaying the inspiring journeys of successful people.

Office Bearers

  1. Madhumeet
  2. Harpreet  (FD)
  3. Pradeep Arora

Mentoring Committee

Mentoring is the scheme for helping the students to make their own informed decisions and to build up confidence in the students. This may include their personal problems, study related problems, confidence level, decision making ability, how to crack competitive exams and many more. In this every student have their mentor. She can freely interact with them or even she can interact with any mentor present in the college.

Main Objectives of the Mentor

  • Help new learner to settle in the college/course.
  • Help student to see the way ahead-progression and career opportunities.
  • Provide support for the individuals who might be isolated or lock support and self-confidence.
  • Help mentee to manage time, plan and priorities work, set goals and action plan; gain a better understanding to their studies.
  • Offer appropriate advice and guidance/counselling of any issue of the student.

In the mentoring booklet mentors’ have data of allotted student like Name, Class, subject, Roll No, Contact No, address and E-mail ID. In this booklet Academic Record of the student has also been mentioned. Out of these record teachers can find the detail like in which subject student is excelling and in which one she is weak. Mentor can find the weakness and strength of the students in particular subject.

Office Bearers

  1. Dr. Madhumeet
  2. Dr. Sonik

Scholarship, Concessions & Financial Aid Committee

Main Objectives of this committee:

  • Discuss Concession Policy for students from economically backward families.
  • Discuss the awards and prizes awarded to the students.
  • Discuss Policy for Scholarship provided by various societies.
  • Discuss need-based concessions to the students from economically weaker families depending upon the family conditions
    • Family Income
    • of Brother & Sisters
    • No of earning members in the familyof dependents


Ms. Amarpreet Khurana (Incharge  )

Dr. Neeraj Maini

Ms. Hardeep Kaur


PTM Committee

The different departments of college organize Parent-Teacher Meeting in their respective Faculty Rooms. The main purpose of committee is to create a common platform, where teachers and parents come together to enrich the students’ educational experiences and discuss variety of issues, regarding all round development of students.

 Main Objectives of the committee

  • Welcome and introduction of teachers and parents.
  • To provide information about various student-oriented activities and schemes run at the college level as well as departmental level.
  • To discuss both the strengths and areas of improvement in the performance of students.
  • Suggestions from parents.
  • Any subject with permission of the Principal.


Dr Madhumeet

Mrs Rashmi Sharma

Dr Neetu Verma

Mr Pardeep Arora


Remedial Classes Committee

Objectives of Organizing the Remedial Classes:

  1. To motivate and help the academically weaker students to realize their weakness and help them to improve on their fronts.
  2. To improve academic skills of the students in various subjects.
  3. To raise the level of comprehension of different subjects of advanced learners to provide a stronger base for further academic work.
  4. To strengthen the knowledge of advanced learners in each subject.

In the course of teaching process during regular class lectures, slow learners and advanced learners are identified. The head of the departments keep a record of these students. The remedial classes are organized from Monday to Saturday in the 9th lecture. The HODs and the class-in-charges have been given the responsibility of addressing the problems of the weaker students.

General strategies adopted for facilitating slow and advanced learners

  • Regular class interaction
  • Class tests
  • Mid-Semester Tests
  • End-Semester

Specific steps adopted for slow learners

  • Tutorials, discussions, interactions and remedial coaching.
  • Personal, academic and social counselling.
  • Concept clarification and problem-solving exercises.
  • Bilingual explanations and discussions.
  • Provision for simplified but standard lecture notes/course material.
  • Revision of topics.
  • Enhancement of communication skills & art of reading-learning.
  • Trial tests and mock examinations.

Specific steps adopted for advanced students

  • Provision of additional learning reference material – books & reviews.
  • Access to recent educational aids through internet.
  • Assignment preparation on latest advancements based on reference books, CDs and various web-based resources.
  • Arrangement of student seminars on selected reference topics.
  • Participation in quiz, debate and problem solving & other decision-making exercises.
  • Extensive participation in project work based on theoretical data/practical work/survey data/case studies.

Office Bearers

    1. Mrs. Praminder
    2. Dr. Madhumeet
    3. Dr. Neeraj Maini

Student Attendance Committee

Objectives of Student Attendance Committee

  • To keep track of students’ attendance and to ascertain whether there is any correlation between their attendance and performance and if so, to what degree.
  • To encourage maximum class attendance.
  • To encourage students to apply their time and attention toward obtaining the maximum benefits for their education.
  • To place the primary responsibility for college attendance upon students and parents.
  • To provide teachers, counselors, and administrators more time to accomplish their primary responsibilities as educators.
  • To eliminate excessive absenteeism.
  • To provide alternative consequences for excessive absences.
  • To reward good and perfect attendance.

Office Bearers

Dr. Pradeep Arora

Resident Life Committee

The student’s hostel was founded in 1886. Its aim is to provide good and healthy environment to the students. The college boarding house situated within the precincts of the college, consist of four hostel wings. Hostel lfe in KMV invites the boarders to enjoy their sojourn in a home away from home in the most fruitful and truly memorable way.



  • To involve all students in positive living environment to assist students in social and recreation outlets by establishing constructive ways to use leisure time
  • To raise the level of education and cultural awareness of students
  • To provide assistance in the learning process
  • To offer opportunities for exploring academic and vocational interest
  • To ensure an atmosphere of mutual adjustability and emotional security for personality development of the residential scholars

Office Bearers

  1. Dr. Madhumeet
  2. Dr. Neeraj Sharma
  3. Dr. Deepika
  4. Dr. Sandeep

Transport Committee

The college provides a secure transport facility to the students of college. The transport has total 32 routes in the areas nearby Jalandhar city within the radius of 50 kms. The transport team is committed to provide well managed and secure transportation to students of college. The objectives of the committee are:

  1. We ensure security of students while travelling.
  2. Time to time repair of buses and vans.
  3. Modification in the routes of buses according to the need of students.
  4. Suggestion of new routes in accordance with new admissions in college.
  5. Fixation of bus fees for new and old routes.
  6. To provide transport facility to students for special activities like sports, N.C.C. , N.S.S. and other social activities.


  1. Dr.H.S. Sethi
  2. Dr.Anushobha
  3. Mr.Gorakh Singh




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