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Orientation Workshop for Certificate Course – Mobile App Development using Kotlin Android Back

Activity Date

January 19, 2024

Orientation Workshop for  Certificate Course – Mobile App Development using Kotlin Android was held on     January 19, 2024to give awareness to students about the professional use of Kotlin by professional Android developers. The Resource Persons Mr. Anoop Sharma -Managing Director, Ms Amandeep – Development Head and Ms. Surbhi – Software developer of O7 Services Pvt. Ltd. shared with students that over 50% of professional Android developers use Kotlin as their primary language, while only 30% use Java as their main language.  They further illustrated that 70% of developers whose primary language is Kotlin are of the viewpoint that Kotlin makes them more productive. They shared some apps which were made by them like the Gurubani App very similar like Spotify, games Apps, Quiz Apps etc.

They discussed the features of Kotlin like:Kotlin uses less code combined with greater readability, you spend less time writing your code and working to understand the code of others. Kotlin Apps built are 20% less likely to crash, have Fewer common errors, Kotlin has Support for multiplatform development. Kotlin Multiplatform allows development for not only Android but also for iOS and web applications, Kotlin has interoperability with Java, and has great support and major contributions from the community. Many startups and Fortune 500 companies have already developed Android applications using Kotlin. 25 students attended this Worshop.

The students were very enthusiastic and asked their doubts and queries which were taken by the experts positively and at the end Dr. Suman Khurana – Head of department thanked the resource persons for the fruitful session. Principal Madam Prof. Dr. Atima Sharma Dwivedi lauded the efforts of the department members for the initiative.

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