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Visit to the Innovation Hub of College by Prof. Jaswinder Singh President, IAPT-Regional Council (RC02) Back

Activity Date

April 10, 2024

KMV is an esteemed institution that strongly believes in the power of progressive education. KMV recognizes this approach as a progressive journey where students actively engage in their learning process and develop critical thinking skills. This method fosters an environment of intellectual curiosity, enabling students to become lifelong learners. The Innovation Hub  of the college works in this direction. Prof. Jaswinder Singh, President of IAPT-Regional Council (RC02), an expert in the field of innovation, paid a visit to our college’s innovation hub on April 10, 2024. Prof. Singh took a keen interest in exploring our college’s state-of-the-art facilities and initiatives that promote innovation.The purpose of his visit was to gain insights into the strategies employed by our college to foster creativity and innovation among its students.During his visit, Prof. Singh was given a guided tour of the innovation hub by Dr. Neetu Verma. The hub is a hub of activity, buzzing with enthusiastic students working on various projects that address real-world challenges.One of the highlights of the visit was the showcase of the projects like touchless switches , touchless sanitizer, bluetooth car, line following vehicle etc undertaken by the students. Prof. Singh was amazed by the diverse range of ideas and solutions presented by the young minds. From environmentally friendly innovations to cutting-edge technological advancements, our college students have truly proved their mettle in the world of innovation.Furthermore, Prof. Singh was particularly impressed by the collaborative nature of the hub. Students from different disciplines and backgrounds were actively engaged in collaborative projects, which demonstrated their ability to work as a team and integrate diverse ideas and perspectives. The hub serves as a platform where creativity knows no boundaries.In a brief interaction with the students, Prof. Singh emphasized the significance of innovation and highlighted its role in addressing societal challenges. He encouraged the students to continue their pursuit of innovative ideas and commended our college for providing a nurturing environment for them to thrive. Prof. Singh also had the opportunity to interact with the faculty members of the innovation hub. The knowledgeable and dedicated faculty outlined their teaching methodologies and the unique pedagogical approaches adopted to foster an innovative mindset among the students. Prof. Singh lauded their efforts in cultivating an ecosystem of innovation within the college.In conclusion, the visit of Prof. Jaswinder Singh to our college’s innovation hub was an enlightening experience for both Prof. Singh himself and our college community. It sheds light on the importance of fostering an environment that encourages innovation and collaboration. With continued support and dedication, our college will undoubtedly remain at the forefront of driving innovation and shaping the future.

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