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KMViets’ Groundbreaking “Automatically Stagnant Water Ejector” Steals the Spotlight at International Museum Expo, Kolkata Back

Activity Date

May 19, 2024

The Ministry of Culture, Government of India, organized the second edition of the International Museum Expo at Science City, Kolkata, from May 18-19, 2024, coinciding with International Museum Day. The event was inaugurated by Dr. Shekhar C. Mande, Chairman of the National Council of Science Museums (NCSM), with notable figures such as Ms. Mugdha Sinha, Joint Secretary of the GLAM Division, and other senior officials in attendance.

Building on the success of its first edition held in Delhi, the expo aimed to enhance education and research in science museums, emphasizing their role in developing scientific temperament and supplementing formal education. Sarah Kenderdine from EPFL, Switzerland, delivered the keynote address on “Computational Museology,” followed by an Odissi dance performance by Dona Ganguly.

Various sessions and activities were held, including panel discussions on heritage preservation, immersive museum experiences, integrating art and technology, and interactions between entrepreneurs and museum professionals. Master classes covered topics like astrophotography, mathematical kits, disaster resilience, and science communication. Workshops on creating wealth from waste, telescope making, and traditional art forms were also conducted, along with an Ideathon and a Young Innovators for students. The event served as a platform for museum professionals and enthusiasts to exchange ideas and foster development in the museum sector.

A standout feature of the expo was the Young Innovators, which brought together selected students from across India to showcase their innovative ideas and projects. This contest aimed to inspire young minds to engage with science and technology creatively, encouraging them to develop solutions for real-world problems. Participants presented a diverse range of projects, demonstrating their ingenuity and technical skills. The contest provided a unique opportunity for these young innovators to gain recognition, receive mentorship from experts, and network with museum professionals and fellow students. The initiative underscores the expo’s commitment to nurturing the next generation of scientific thinkers and leaders.

Among the innovative projects showcased, the “Automatically Stagnant Water Ejector” by KMViets garnered significant attention. This ingenious prototype addresses a pervasive issue in both urban and rural areas—stagnant water accumulation, which can lead to mosquito breeding and subsequent health risks such as malaria and dengue fever. The project utilizes sensors to detect stagnant water and activates a mechanism to eject the water automatically, ensuring that such environments are kept dry and safe.

The simplicity and effectiveness of the “Automatically Stagnant Water Ejector” impressed both the audience and the panel of judges. The project not only showcased advanced technological application but also demonstrated a practical approach to solving a real-world problem. This innovation has the potential for widespread implementation, particularly in regions prone to water stagnation and related health issues. The attention it received at the expo highlights its relevance and the foresight of the young minds behind it.

KMViets’ project exemplifies the kind of forward-thinking solutions that the International Museum Expo aims to promote. By providing a platform for young innovators, the expo plays a crucial role in fostering creativity and problem-solving skills among the youth. The “Automatically Stagnant Water Ejector” stands as a testament to the potential of student-led innovations to make significant contributions to public health and environmental sustainability.

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