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Extension lecture on “The basics of computational physics and its applications in various fields” Back

Activity Date

April 21, 2023

Discovering and developing newer and better ways for women empowerment and evolving a better society is a daily effort at KMV- The Heritage Institution. P.G. Department of Physics organized an extension lecture of Dr. Vandana Luthra, a professor, from Gargi College, New Delhi delivered a guest lecture on “The basics of computational physics and its applications in various fields” at Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, Jalandhar, an autonomous and Heritage Institution. The lecture was attended by students, and faculty members, from P.G. Department of Physics. Dr. Luthra began her talk by giving a brief overview of computational physics, explaining how it has become an integral part of modern-day research in physics. She further elaborated on the various applications of computational physics, including quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and experimental Physics. Dr. Luthra also highlighted the significance of computational physics in solving complex scientific problems that cannot be solved through traditional analytical methods. She also gave several examples of how computational physics has been used to solve real-world problems, such as predicting the behavior of resistance of different electronic components under varying potentials, designing new experiments, and simulating the formation of galaxies. Throughout her lecture, Dr. Luthra emphasized the importance of collaboration between physicists and computer scientists, as the two fields are increasingly becoming interdependent. She also encouraged students to pursue a career in computational physics, given its vast applications and potential for innovation. The lecture ended with a Q&A session, where attendees had the opportunity to ask Dr. Luthra questions about her research and the future of computational physics. The event was a great success, and attendees left with a better understanding of the basics of computational physics and its impact on modern-day research. Principal Prof. (Dr.) Atima Sharma Dwivedi greeted him and applauded P.G. Department of Physics for organizing such meaningful lecture cum interactions.

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