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  • Only College under GNDU to be bestowed with FIST & CURIE grant by DST- Govt. of India
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KMVites Attend Weekly Talk Series of Vigyan Prasar

KMV Always a Forerunner in Imparting Scientific Knowledge to its Students

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya- The Heritage &Autonomous Institution, Ranked No1 by India Today Ranking 2020 has continued the academic growth of its student during this lockdown period. In a major development, the faculty & students of KMV attendedweekly talk series organised by Vigyan Prasar for VIPNET clubs on vast and diverse fields of Science and technology in order to keep students updated about the current trends in Science and technology. The talk was conducted on every Tuesday through virtual platformand till now four webinars has beenorganised.The webinars are conducted by the renowned experts of the fields.Under this series first lecture titled “Earthquake Genesis and Public Panic with reference to NCR-Delhi Seismicity” was organised. The resource person for this webinar was Dr. O.P. Mishra. He explained the concept of earthquake, its causes and techniques to mitigate the risk of its after effects. He elaborated the concept of earthquake by sharing data of vulnerable cities of Asia. He also emphasised that we cannot prevent these natural calamities but can take disaster risk reduction actions so that after effects of disaster can be reduced. The second lecture was organised on the topic “Importance of Hydrological Cycle and it’s implications on Human Life”. The resource person Dr. Santosh Murlidhar Pingale, Scientist at National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee highlighted the water resources and its importance, impact of climate change&implications on human life etc. During the webinar, the speaker briefly explained the types of water resources of India and importance for economy of country&growth of population etc. In continuation of Tuesday series the third webinar was organised on the topic “Nanotechnology to Combat Climate Change”. The resource person Dr Vivek Polshettiwar, Associate Professor at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai highlighted the term nanotechnology and its importance to combat the climate change such as global warming etc. During the webinar, the  speaker briefly explained the unusual properties of nano-materials, various nano-fabrication methods, electron microscopy techniques and use of nano-materials in consumer products such as lithium ion batteries, graphene&paints etc. Dr Polshettiwar also highlighted the use of nano catalysts for the conversion of CO2 to fuel and waste plastic to various chemicals. He also appreciated and made us proud about the level of scientific research in ancient India, by giving information about nano science associated with the paintings of Ajanta Caves, Maharashtra. In continuation of Tuesday series the fourth webinar was organised on the topic “ Characterisation of Atmospheric Particles: Implications to Climate and human health” The resource person Dr. S.K. Mishra, Principal Scientist CSIR-National Physical Laboratory , New Delhi explained aerosol and size of particulate matter present in it. He explained the source of these particulate and their impact on climate and human health. Principal Prof Dr Atima Sharma Dwivedi averred that all these seminars were very informative and imparted great knowledge to students as well as faculty. These webinars address current issues in their talk&almost 50 KMV students of KMV  science club  participated in this webinar. Principal Dr. Atima Sharma Dwivedi appreciated VIPNET’s effort to engage students in this time of pandemic. She also encouraged the students to participate in these activities actively to upgrade their knowledge so that they will be able to develop the scientific aptitude in their minds..


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