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KMV to Organise Seven Day International Conclave on Global Perspectives on Education in COVID-19 Times from August, 10, 2020 to August, 16, 2020

Event Date

August 9, 2020

Many Acclaimed Luminaries from Across the Globe will Grace the Conclave

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya- the Heritage & Autonomous institution, Seat of Women Empowerment with Top National and State Rankings by India Today Survey of Best Colleges 2020 (various categories) is going to organise an Online Seven Day International Conclave on Global Perspectives on Education in COVID-19 Times: Challenges & Opportunities commencing from 10/08/2020 to 16/08/2020. Throwing more light on it, Principal Prof. Dr. Atima Sharma Dwivedi averred that KMV in its commitment of providing world class education to its students always keep on organising such kinds of international events. This international conclave will provide a perspective as to what are the various concerns that are related to education during COVID-19. In these testing times, there is an alarming situation all over the world and not only in India andas a result, the paradigm of education system in the whole world has shifted to new dimensions with the application of digital technology in the field of education. KMV is also one of the first institutions that smoothly shifted to the digital platform as far as teaching &learning is concerned and has adopted new patterns of education during the current time. She further maintained that it is a matter of singular honour that scholars from various countries and different states of India of international fame will be part of this seven day conclave. The conclave has also received overwhelming registration from across the globe as various people from around the world have shown their eagerness to join the conclave. Distinguished luminaries of international standing from leading universities of USA, UK, Scotland, Hungary, Tunisia, Australia, South Africa  and India will grace this conclave.

Among the acclaimed scholars that have been invited to this conclave are Dr Maria Zlateva, Director of ESL, Boston University, Dr Malavika Shetty, Lecturer, Linguistics & Writing, Boston University, Dr Marta Fulop, Professor of Social Psychology, Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary, Dr Janos Gyori, Professor of Education & Psychology, Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary, Prof. Rosemary Douglas, TESOL, Scotland, Dr Edward J. Downes, Associate Professor, Public Relations Boston University, USA, Dr Paul Wilson, General Manager, Brisbane, TAFE Queensland, Australia, Dr Naeema B. Hann, Senior Lecturer, Leeds Beckett University, UK, Dr Sivakumar Sivasubramaniam, Professor, University of West Cape, South Africa& Dr John Battaglino, Boston University Student Affairs, USA. The conclave will be streamed live in the Facebook page of KMV and the time slot for India will be from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm daily.

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