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KMV Organises Second Episode of International Series ( Physics Chapter)

Event Date

May 21, 2021

KMVites Attend Virtual Tour of Ultrafast Spectroscopy Laboratory at ENEA, Italy

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya- the Heritage & Autonomous institution, Seat of Women Empowerment with Top National and State Rankings by India Today Survey of Best Colleges 2020 (various categories) & Outlook Magazine has taken yet another innovative initiative to promote sciences among students by organizing KMV International Series (Physics Chapter). Under these series students will be taken to world’s renowned research laboratories like CERN, ENEA etc. virtually. In order to inculcate the scientific temperament and curiosity of research among students, an initiative has been taken to organise interactive sessions with scientists of international repute. In the second episode of KMV International series, Dr. Mauro Falconieri from ENEA, Italian Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (Italy) was invited as the key speaker. Dr. Falconieri presented the virtual tour of “Ultrafast Spectroscopy Laboratory” at ENEA, Italy. During his presentation he gave the overview of Molecular mechanism of Raman scattering, Raman spectroscopy instrumentation and their applications. He acknowledged the contribution of great Indian physicist Dr. C. V. Raman in the study of spectroscopy. Raman spectroscopy can provide both chemical and structural information, as well as the identification of substances through their characteristic Raman ‘fingerprint’. Raman spectroscopy extracts this information through the detection of Raman scattering from the sample, he said. Further Dr. Falconieri showed working of Multiple excitation wavelengths Raman spectrometer. The analysis of the Raman signal emitted by a sample, even of very small size, provides information on its chemical composition, he added. He further showed the electron microscope, NIR spectrophotometer and explained the difference between Raman spectroscopy and photoluminescence. His interaction made it easier for KMVites to understand fundamentals of spectroscopy. Principal Prof. (Dr.) Atima Sharma Dwivedi lauded the efforts of P.G. Department of Physics for organizing such an interactive live talk with renowned scientists and also the virtual visit to international laboratories. She averred that students as well as faculty have availed this wonderful opportunity to visit international bodies which otherwise could have never been possible.

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