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Innovation in Plant Drug Development Back

Activity Date

February 21, 2023

Topic: Innovation in Plant Drug Development

Venue: Zoom meeting (Online-Hybrid Mode)

Resource Person: Dr. Richa Shree

Date: 21stFebruary, 2023, Tuesday

Time: 10 a.m.            

No. of Participants: 65

The P.G. Department of Botany,Kanya MahaVidyalaya under Curie grant organizea workshopon February 21, 2023. The topic was“Innovation inPlant Drug Development”.The resource person, Dr. Richa Shree, Professor in the Department of Pharmaceuticals and Drug Research, Punjabi University Patialastartedworkshopbyexplaining that,plants are essential source of pharmaceuticals and played a great role in drug development.She explained about different herbal drugs that we are using in our daily life. She also added numerous interesting examples of herbal drugs.

Furthermore, she mentioned the comparative account ontraditional and allopathic (modern) medicines. She described the different phytoconstituents that are used for drug processing. Moreover, she discussed the methods of extraction and its preparation.She explained that by using traditional knowledge and modern scientific method a reliable medicine can be prepared which are very beneficial for humans and animals.

She concluded her lecture by mentioning the uses of herbal drugs that are easily available, effective and have minimum side effects. Atlastshe shared her experience with the students by saying “plants are easy to understand…not so easy to handle”!She boosts the confidence among the students andasked for the queries of the participants. In total 67 participants, including faculty of botany and students attended the lecture. It was a quite exciting and brainstorming experience for everyone.

Star Faculty: Mrs. Shikha Vashisht

Dr. Sandeep Kaur

Star student: Amita


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