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KMV International Series Episode 1 “Live Interaction and ENEA LabVisit” Back

Activity Date

May 10, 2021

KMV International series has commenced on May 10, 2021 and was attended by 100 participants through Zoom platform and many more joined the virtual event through other social medias like Youtube and Facebook.Dr. AlessiaCemmi, ENEA FSN-FISS-SNI, Italian National Agency for New Technologies Rome (Italy) was invited speaker of the day.In her presentation, Dr. Cemmi introduced Calliope gamma irradiation facility at ENEA, Casaccia R.C. and organized a virtual visit to 60-Cobalt irradiation plant, research laboratoriesby  showing videos based on external view of laboratory, internal view of irradiation cell, control room and up-down source operation.

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