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KMV students excel in National Graduate Physics Examination-2023-24 Back

Activity Date

January 21, 2024

Undergraduate students in Non-medical and Computer science of Kanya Maha Vidyalaya participated in the National Graduate Physics Examination (NGPE) 2023-24, it is a standardized test designed to evaluate the knowledge, understanding, and problem-solving skills of graduate-level physics students. Indian Association of Physics Teachers organizes the National Graduate Physics Examination (NGPE) and several scholarships (subject to a maximum of 5) will be given to encourage students to take up physics as a career. Those who seek admission in M.Sc. (physics) after NGPE, are eligible for these scholarships. More than 14000 students appeared in this test from across the country. The staff of the P.G. Department of Physics at KMV guided students and emphasized the significance and advantages of engaging in such competitions. Dr. Neetu Verma, a Brand Ambassador of IAPT, mentored and offered direction to students who showed interest in participating. 27 students of KMV appeared in the NGPE 2023-24 conducted in January 2024 where questions were based on Physics phenomena and experiments. Navneet Kaur B.Sc. Non-medical Sem VI became a state topper, while Aditi B.Sc Computer Science Sem II and Arshnoor Kaur Hothi B.Sc Computer Science Sem-II bagged positions in the top 10% achievers.

Principal Dr. (Mrs.) Atima Sharma congratulates the Physics faculty and the winners. She motivates and encourages the winners to compete in such kinds of competitions.

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