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KMV’s Career Counselling and Placement Cell organized Session on Expectations and Interview Process by Microsoft Expert Back

Activity Date

April 11, 2023

Kanya MahaVidyalaya, Jalandhar – the Autonomous and Heritage Institution has been striving tirelessly for the holistic growth of students. KMV’s Counselling and Placement Cell is continuously making efforts to makeits students globally employable by arranging the Placement related talks from time to time.

Keeping with this trend, a Session on Expectations and Interview Process was organized for the students of Fourth and Sixth Semesters of Computer Science and Mathematics.The Sessionwas conducted by Mr Mukesh Kumar, Principal Group Software Engineering Manager at Microsoft India (R &D)Private Limitedto make the students understand about the interview process in big productbased and service-based companies followed by interview procedures, their work culture andwhat the company experts except from the freshers.Principal Madam Prof. Dr. Atima Sharma Dwivedi welcomed the Resource Person and expressed her gratitude for sparing his valuable time for a stimulating session. She inspired the students to actively listen to the Resource Person – Mr. Mukesh Kumar – Principal Group Software Engineering Manager, Microsoft India R&D, and interact with him to know the right career option and to gain knowledge on that. She emphasized that becoming financially independent is the need of the hour.First of all, Mr. Mukesh Kumar explained to students how to get ready for big Tech companies.Mr Mukesh explained the Impact of Pandemic on the I.T. Industry and explained about the difference between the Product based company and Servicebased companies and the pay packages of both.Afterwards, Mr. Mukesh discussed theInterview Process and Interviewee Focus.He motivated the students to dream big and trying hard to reachout to the goals. He also explained the meaning of KASH:K- Knowledge, A- Attitude, S- Skills and H- Habits, and insisted that Subject Fundamentals play a very important role in the lives of technical students and they need to focus on core concepts and Algorithms, and  need to Challenge one- selfevery day to reach at their desired goals.

He addressed all queries of the inquisitive students very aptly. 93 students participated in the session that ended with vote of thanks by Dr. Natasha Sharma , member Placement cell.Madam Principal lauded theefforts of Dr. Suman Khurana, Dean, Placement Cellfor her sincere efforts in taking such initiatives.

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