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Mock Budget Back

Activity Date

February 15, 2023

P. G. Department of Economics organized the quiz competition titled “Eco. quiz” on 15th February 2023. The students of B. A., B. Sc. (Economics) and M. A. (Economics) participated in the competition. There was representation of four teams named as Classical economists, Neo-classical economists, Keynesian economists and Modern economists, each consisting of four students. The quiz began with the information of rules. It was an interesting eight round competition consisting of identifying the picture of economist, name of the author of the book, nobel prize winners, name of the currency, full form of national/International bodies, questions related to planning commission, budget 2023-24, banking and monetary policy. Students were allotted 30 seconds to answer each question in all rounds. The teams were awarded 10 points for every correct answer. For wrong answer, the question was passed to next team and 5 points were given for correct answer. At the end, Rapid-Fire round was played with a time limit of 5 seconds. There was also a question for audience at the end of each round. The students showcased their brilliance by rapidly answering the questions. Finally, Neo-classical economists won the competition followed by Modern economists as first runner up and Keynesian economists as second runner up. The Quiz was very informative and knowledge enriching competition for participants. Madam Principal Prof. (Mrs.) Atima Sharma Dwivedi appreciated all the participants for their overwhelming response towards participating in quiz competition

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