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National Quantum Week – “Alice in Quantum Land” Workshop Back

Activity Date

April 9, 2024

  1. Date of program: April 9-14, 2024

In an extraordinary culmination of a week-long journey through the enigmatic realms of quantum mechanics, the valedictory session of the “Alice in the Quantum Land” workshop marked a fitting conclusion to a captivating exploration of this fascinating field. Organized online and on-campus by the PG Department of Physics at Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, Jalandhar, in collaboration with the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT), the workshop garnered significant attention and participation from enthusiasts and experts alike.

Event Overview:

The six-day workshop, held from April 9 to April 14, provided a platform for approximately 984 devotees of Physics to delve into the intricacies of quantum mechanics. Through keynote presentations, panel discussions, quizzes, and hands-on workshops, participants were immersed in a world of discovery guided by leading scientists and practitioners in the field.

Day 1: April 9, 2024

The inaugural day of the “Alice in QuantumLand” workshop marked the beginning of an enlightening journey into the world of quantum mechanics. Prof. Arvind, Vice Chancellor of Punjabi University, Patiala, and Professor at IISER-Mohali, set the tone with a keynote presentation titled “From Quantum Mechanics to Quantum Technologies: A Journey of 100 Years.” The day also featured a session by Dr. P.K. Ahluwalia, President of IAPT, and KN Joshipura from Sardar Patel University, Gujarat, who addressed the participants on the basics of quantum mechanics. The evening online session, coordinated by Dr. Neetu Verma, saw approximately 500 participants from across India engage in intellectual discourse and discovery. The session concluded with the release of an open-book online quiz by Dr. Uttara.


Day 2: April 10, 2024

The second day of the workshop featured an expert talk by Prof. Ajoy Ghatak, Emeritus Professor at IIT Delhi and NASI Meghnad Saha Distinguished Professor, who delved into the intricacies of the two-hole interference experiment. Participants gained valuable insights into quantum phenomena related to interference and wave-particle duality, further deepening their understanding of quantum mechanics.

In addition to the online series, National quantum week was also celebrated in the offline mode in the campus of Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, Jalandhar.  Prof. Jaswinder Singh Shiksha Ratan Awardee, Educational Professional, Science Communicator and Innovator Jaswins lab on Wheels, addressed  students of Sanskriti KMV, Nehru Garden, Junior model school, Jalandhar.  Prof. Singh, known for his passion for science and commitment to education, has dedicated decades to inspiring young minds and promoting scientific literacy. His innovative project, “Jaswins Lab on Wheels,” exemplifies his visionary approach to education and outreach. He performed hands-on science experiments which makes science accessible and engaging for learners of all ages and backgrounds. The interactive nature of the session encouraged students, allowing them to engage with Prof. Singh, ask questions, and gain valuable insights into the practical applications of physics principles.

Day 3: April 11, 2024

Day three commenced with a thought-provoking panel discussion titled “Unveiling Quantum Mysteries,” featuring luminaries such as Prof. P.K. Ahluwalia, Prof. Ramandeep Johal from IISER Mohali, and a lineup of distinguished panelists. The discussion delved into the intricacies of quantum phenomena, aiming to demystify its complexities and shed light on its practical applications in everyday life. Attendees were treated to a rich exchange of ideas and perspectives, as the panelists elucidated on bridging the gap between scientific understanding and real-world implications. Throughout the session, the audience gained valuable insights into the profound nature of quantum mechanics and its potential to revolutionize various fields.

As the day unfolded, another stimulating panel discussion titled “Mysteries” captivated participants, facilitated by Prof. Manjit Kaur from Panjab University, Chandigarh, and Prof. V. Madhurima from the Central University of Tamil Nadu. This engaging discourse explored enigmatic phenomena across disciplines, prompting deep reflection and intellectual exploration. The diverse viewpoints presented by the panelists enriched the conference, fostering a vibrant atmosphere of scholarly exchange and collaborative learning.

Day 4: April 12, 2024

The highlight of the fourth day was an expert talk by Prof. P. Deshmukh, RV Chair Professor at RV University, Bengaluru, titled “Complexities of Quantumland.” Prof. Deshmukh provided a comprehensive overview of quantum mechanics, addressing fundamental concepts such as uncertainty, superposition, and the Aharanov-Bohm effect. Participants gained insights into the historical evolution of quantum mechanics and its practical applications, enriching their knowledge and understanding of the subject.

Day 5: April 13, 2024

Day five featured an expert talk by Prof. Vandna Luthra from Gargi College, University of Delhi, on “Contemplating Quantum Mechanics,” followed by a movie screening and quiz. Prof. Luthra’s session provided participants with a unique perspective on quantum concepts, engaging them in an interactive learning experience. The day concluded with participants’ active participation in the quiz, consolidating their understanding of quantum mechanics.

Day 6: April 14, 2024

The final day of the workshop showcased an expert talk by Prof. Urbasi Sinha, Head of the Quantum Information and Computing (QuIC) laboratory at Raman Research Institute, Bengaluru, on the “Magical World of Photons.” Prof. Sinha’s presentation offered valuable insights into quantum information and computing, inspiring participants with the potential applications of quantum technologies. The day concluded with a sense of fulfillment and enthusiasm as participants reflected on their journey through the captivating world of quantum mechanics.


The “Alice in QuantumLand” workshop provided a platform for participants to explore the wonders of quantum mechanics through expert talks, panel discussions, quizzes, and hands-on workshops. Each day offered unique insights and experiences, enriching participants’ understanding of quantum phenomena and their applications. The workshop’s success in fostering intellectual discourse and discovery underscores the significance of continued exploration and engagement in the field of quantum physics.

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