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One Day Online Webinar on IPR Back

Activity Date

January 2, 2022

Objective:The main objective of this webinar was to make participants familiar with the IPR and IP Management for Start-ups. To create awareness on Intellectual Property Rights and different types of IPR (Patents, copyright etc.). To develop Academic and Industrial research perspective. To protect and explore IPRs.


P.G. Department of Chemistry in collaboration with IIC, Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, Jalandhar –the Heritage and Autonomous institution organised one day Online National Webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights” by Dr.Narinderjit Kaur, Assistant Professor, KMV, Jalandhar.50 faculty members and 150 students had actively participated in webinar.

She enlightened the students about introduction and importance of IPR. She discussed detailed steps to be followed in IPR filing. She also gave detailed explanation on trademarks, industrial designs, geographical indicators, trade secrets and Copyrights. Further she also elaborated about Start-upIndia to drive sustainable economic goals and measures taken by government to promote it.

The webinar was followed by fruitful interaction with the students. The lecture was very well received by the students. Principal Prof. (Dr.) Atima Sharma Dwivedi thanked the resource person and also appreciated the endeavour taken by the Dr. Narinderjit.

Benefit:The participants of the workshop were able to understand the procedures to convert the research outcome into patents/technologies to license.Enhanced IPR awareness amongst the citizens of the country would result in an increased IP portfolio of the country – this would mean an increase in the IP’s generated domestically, increased competitiveness of the Indian industry both domestically and globally as well as economic growth. A concerted effort would stimulate a dynamic, vibrant and well balanced IPR system in India to: • Foster creativity and innovation and thereby, promote entrepreneurship and enhance socio-economic and cultural development.

Dated: 02/01/2022

No. of faculty participated: 25, No. of students participated: 120

Star Student: Haramanpreet Kaur

Star Faculty: Dr. Narinderjit Kaur

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