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Three Day Online National Workshop on IPR and IP Management for Start ups Back

Activity Date

March 14, 2022

KMV Institutions innovation council (IIC) in collaboration with  P.G. Department of Chemistry and IQAC, Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, Jalandhar–The Heritage and Autonomous institution organised Three day Online National Workshop on “IPR and IP Management for Start ups”.

The resource person for Day one was Dr. T. Pavankumar, Senior Scientist, CSIR-IMMT, Bhubneshwar, Odisha. 50 faculties including members of IIC from five mentee institutions (G.H.G. Institute of Law, Ludhiana; J.C.D.A.V College Dasuya; Lakshmi Narayan College of technology Excellence, Bhopal; IITM college of Science, Arts and Commerce, Haryana and Government college, Ropar) and 96 students participated across the country. Dr. Pavankumar enlightened the students regarding introduction, importance and types of IPR. He discussed detailed steps to be followed in IPR filing. Further, he gave overview of types of IPR highlighting the facilitation of Patent Cooperation Treaty for simultaneously filing International Patents. He provided detailed information for patent filing performance across various institutes of India and in other countries.

On day two, Dr. Pavan Kumar, Senior Scientist, CSIR-IMMT, Bhubneshwar, Odishaeducated students about ‘Understanding of Patents: Structure, Types and Criteria’. He clearly mentioned that any kind of invention, if it satisfies patent ability criteria then only, it gets eligibility for award of the patents otherwise it will be rejected. He highlighted that the main part of patent filing is the ‘Claim’ that whenever we file a patent, patent office will only look at the claim part first and examine them. The claims are the legal components which brings exclusive right to the inventor. So, one has to be very much careful while designing and drafting the claims. Further, he explained the specifications and assigned codes to the patents.

The resource person for Day three was Dr. Seema, Scientist, CSIR-IPU, New Delhi. Her lecture focused on Patent Structure and Filing Process. She explained basic criteria of patentability and also written/oral disclosures. She clearly mentioned the topics which are patentable and which don’t come under it along with their section IPC. Additionally she explained the detailed process of patenting.

The workshop was followed by fruitful interaction with the students. The lecture was very well received by the students. Dr. Manju Sahni, Head of PF Department of Chemistry extended her vote of thanks. Principal Prof. (Dr.)Atima Sharma Dwivedi thanked all resource persons and also appreciated the endeavour taken by the KMV (IIC) in collaboration with P.G. Department of Chemistry and IQAC adding that it should be a regular feature in the curriculum.

Dated: 14.3.2022

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