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Tree Plantation Drive Back

Activity Date

March 16, 2022

P.G. Department of Chemistry, Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (The Heritage and Autonomous Institution), Jalandhar organized environmental awareness drive on Tree Plantation at Government Senior Secondary School, PAP Jalandhar on 16thMarch, 2022 with the aim to create awareness among the masses regarding endangered ecosystems and the climate crisis as a result of deforestation. Under the able guidance of Dr.Manju Sahni and Dr.Narinderjit Kaur, team Chemistry Ninjas interacted with the 65 students and 10 faculty members. They gave presentation on the role of trees in our life and encouraged the students to plant more trees and take care of their plantations thereafter. KMV Team planted the various saplings in the school garden. At the end Dr.Narinderjit Kaur thanked the audience for showing their keen interest in this drive and said that every day should be treated as Van Mahotsav and plants should be grown to keep the environment green, clean, safe and healthy as well as to maintain the ecological balance and to promote and protect the green cover in the Country. Principal Dr.Atima Sharma Dwivedy congratulated the faculty of Chemistry Department for successfully organising such a meaningful activity and stressed that all students must be connected with sapling plantation and awareness programmes which are key factors to encourage citizens to protect environment by planting trees.

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