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Vegetative Propagation month (September) Back

Activity Date

September 6, 2022

Activity on Innovation in Plant Propagation

  1. Title/Theme of the Program: Innovation in Plant Propagation in Botanical Garden
  2. Program for the benefit of: B.Sc. (Medical) and M.Sc. Botany
  3. Total no. of participants: 30
  4. Venue of the program: Botanical Garden

P.G. Department of Botany of Kanya Maha Vidyalaya organized Innovation in Vegetative propagation activity in Botanical Garden. The aim of this event was to motivate students to plant more and more trees through innovative methods. The vegetative parts of a plant like leaf, stem, root or their modified forms are used for propagation. Student gets hands on training for this mode of propagation. Students actively participated in this activity. Plants like Ruscus, Tredescantia, Hibiscus, Philodendron, Ficus, Lily were propagated using this technique of plant propagation. The main advantage of vegetative propagation methods is that the new plants contain the genetic material of only one parent, so they are essentially clones of the parent plant. Students from the department participated in these activities with full zeal and enthusiasm. It was a good learning experience for all of them.Principal Ma’am interacted with the students and she praises the students for their efforts and motivated them to keep doing such activities in future.

  • Vegetative Propagation
  1. Title/Theme of the Program: Vegetative Propagation
  2. Program for the benefit of: M.Sc. Botany
  3. Total no. of participants: 20
  4. Venue of the program: Botanical Garden and Department.

P.G. Department of Botany of Kanya Maha Vidyalaya organized Vegetative Propagation activity in Botanical Garden and Department. The term vegetative propagation is used means that vegetative plant parts are used to produce new plants. In this activity students performed various methods of propagation. Students used different plant parts like stem or root cutting, bud, leaf to reproduce plants. They took responsibility of care of the plant and keep check on the plant, water it when needed, and complete the activity. They collected pups of various ornamental and medicinal plants and planted them in department and botanical garden. This activity raisesinterest among the students to nurture plants


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