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Best Institution Award bestowed to KMV by NCC

Event Date

August 17, 2022

KMV honoured by NCC in the field of Promoting NCC and Social Service Activities

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous) has been bestowed with Best Institution Award by NCC. KMV was honoured by National Cadet Corps for displaying outstanding performance and contribution of exceptional order in the field of promoting NCC and Social Service Activities. The award also acknowledges KMV’s contribution in the society & for motivating the girl students to work for the society by joining the NCC and armed forces. NCC also honoured KMV with an appreciation certificate for all the NCC activities carried out in the college.Principal Prof. Atima Sharma Dwivedi receiving the award averred that such award bear testimony to the fact that KMV is the brand name of quality education. With a commitment to meaningful futures, KMV prepares the students for joining the NCC by providing them best facilities and motivating them to work for the betterment of the society. Moreover, KMV has innovative approach for its various teaching & learning endeavours and also works on the placement opportunities for the students. All these USPs have been instrumental in making KMV the best college. At this juncture, Principal KMV congratulated faculty, stafffor their exemplary endeavour and hard work which has accounted to this singular achievement. She averred that KMV has opened pathway to the best standard in education & deserves to be awarded with the best institution award.


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