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DBT Star College Scheme Zoology 2015-2020

Department of Zoology

  • Department of Zoology List of Projects (2015-2020)

    List of Projects 2015-16

    S. No. Topic of the project
    1 To study biodiversity in pond water.


    2 Collection of mosquito larvae in KMV college campus in various months of the year.


    3 To study biodiversity of vertebrates in KMV campus.


    5 To study the factors that influences the colour and size of yolk of chickens egg.


    6 To study inheritance of diseases.


    7 To study different mosquitoes and their larvae in kmv college and nearby areas, Jalandhar.


    List of Projects 2016-17

    1)      Study to assess the water quality and fishery at Kali Bein, Jalandhar.
    2)        To study flora, fauna and water quality of Harike wetland.
    3)        Comparative study of protein content from vegetarian and   non-vegetarian sources.
    1.        To collect and identify mosquito larva in and around KMV campus.
    2.        Identification & study of life cycles of pests of pulses and grains.
    3.        To study the influence of gender and age on BMI & BMR of staff members (Teaching & Non-teaching) of KMV college.
    4.        Isolation of DNA from insect samples using phenol – chloroform method and its quantification using   spectrophotometer.
    5.        To set up protozoan culture using different water resources.
    6.        To study insect biodiversity in and around KMV campus.
    7.        Survey of different   phenotypic  traits ( e.g free & fused ear lobes; eye color; hair form etc. among  the students of KMV college.
    8.        To collect different types of feathers and their identification.

    List of Projects 2017-18

    S.No. Title
    1) To study the Zooplanktons & Phytoplanktons in pond water of Botanical garden. (Zoology & Botany).
    2) Maintenaince & functioning of Vermicompositing unit of KMV campus. (Zoology & Botany).
    3) Protein estimation by Bradford Method.
    4) Plant Genomic DNA Extraction.
    5) Tryphan Blue Exclusion test of cell viability.
    6) Estimation of Protein by Lowry’s Method ..
    S.No. Title
    1) To study the insect biodiversity of KMV campus.
    2) To study the repellant properties of Azadirachta indica (Neem leaves) on stored grains.
    3) To study the correlation between obesity and BMI/BMR.
    4) To study the correlation between feeding habits and shape of beaks in birds.
    5) To study the inheritance of  various phenotypic traits of students of KMV Campus.

    List of Projects 2018-19

    S.No. Title
    1)        To demonstrate the food preference experiment on lepidopteran insect (using Artificial and Natural diets).
    2)        To study the life cycle of Sitophilus/ Tribolium.
    3)        To maintain the culture of Lepidopteron insect.
    4)        To study the effect of insecticide on larval form of lepidopteran insect
    5)        To prepare the Protozoan Culture from pond water.
    6)        To identify and stain the Bacterial Culture from curd.
    7)        Visit to fish farm and morphometric study of fishes.


    8)        Water quality assessment by using different parameters (Zoology & Chemistry).


    9)        Estimation of LC50 of mercuric chloride on fish (BOD, COD, pH, etc).


    10)    Effect of diet (Veg or non-veg) on particular age group.


    11)    Effect of exercise on blood pressure and pulse rates.
    12)    Culture maintenance of stored grain pests
    13)    Fingerprinting analysis (Dermatoglyphics) for hereditary traits and identification of genetic diseases.
    14)    Prevalence of diabetes in different areas and age groups and its relation to physical activity.
    15)    To study incidence of hypertension in different age groups and its relation to age, sex and heredity.
    16)    DNA extraction from different animal tissues.
    17)    To study antibacterial activity of Neem extract (Zoology, Biotecnology & Chemistry).
    18)    Isolation of E.Coli from Fresh and pasteurized milk.
    19)    Determination of sanitary status of different surfaces of Mess and Canteen (Zoology & Microbiology).
    20)    To conduct the BMI test for whole college campus students.
    21)    To test proteins from saliva and urine sample.

    List of Project in 2019-2020

    S.No. Title
    1)        Study of life cycle of insect pests Callosobruchus maculates and Sitophilus oryza.
    2)        Study of diabetes in different areas (Rural/ Urban) and age groups.
    3)        To study the effect of sound on blood pressure.
    4)        To study the effect of ageing on flexibility.
    5)        To study morphometric characteristics and meristic count of fish Catla catla.
    6)        To study blood group inheritance in families of your classmates.
    7)        To study various kinds of mimicry adaptations in Kingdom Animalia.
    8)        Identification of fresh water planktons.
    9)        To study the adulterants in food (honey, milk).
    10)    Classifying different phyla in your locality.
    11)    Effect of different antibiotics and plant extracts on acne microbes.
    12)    To check mobility of DNA at different pH and temperature.
    13)    Isolation of PHA producing bacteria from soil and water.
    14)    To study the water quality of samples collected from different localities.
    15)    Review on childhood food addiction and obesity.
    16)    Review on personalized medicine concept.
  • List of Books Purchased in 2015-2020

    List of Books Purchased in 2015-2016 Name of the Book Author Name Qty
    1. Cell Biology CB Powar 01
    2. Cell and Molecular Biology De Robertis 01
    3. Developmental Biology by Gilbert 01
    4. Ecology by Odum 01
    5. Human Biology by Daniel D. Chiras 01
    6. Immunology – Essentials of Immunology Roitt 01
    7. Medical Physiology Guyton 01
    8. Parasitology by Chatterjee 01
    9. Stickberger’s Evolution Stickberger 01
    10. Genetics Daniell. Hartl Maryellen 01
    11. Medical Zoology R C Sobti 10
    12. Inquiry into life Mader 01
    13. Immunology and microbiology Mandeep Kaur 01
    14. Biology Marcus Barbor 01
    15. Human Biology Mader 01
    16. Advances in Microbiology Neha Charan 01
    17. Laboratory manual for biotechnology Ashish S. Verma ,Surajit Das , Anchal Singh 01
    18. Cell and molecular biology PK Gupta 01
    19. Ecology and environment PD Sharma 01
    20. Genetics numerical problems VK Khanna 01
    21. Biotechniques theory and practical SVS Rana 01
    22. Cell biology Singh &Tomar 01
    23. Recent advances in zoo and wild animals health and management Arora ,Shrivastav 01
    24. Advanced practical zoology PS Verma& PC Shrivastava 01
    25. Animal behavior Reena Mathur 01
    26. Genetics B.D Singh 01
    27. A Textbook Of Microbiology Ananthanarayan&Paniker’s 01

    List of Books Purchased in 2016-2017 Name of the Book Author Name Qty
    1. Inquiry into life Mader 01
    2. Immunology and microbiology Mandeep Kaur 01
    3. Biology Marcus Barbor 01
    4. Human Biology Mader 01
    5 Advances in Microbiology Neha Charan 01
    6. Textbook of microbiology 9th edition Arti Kapil 01
    7. Laboratory manual for biotechnology Ashish S. Verma 01
    8 Cell and molecular biology PK Gupta 01
    9 Ecology and environment PD Sharma 01
    10 Genetics numerical problems VK Sharma 01
    11 Biotechniques theory and practical SVS Sharma 01
    12 Cell biology Singh &tomar 01
    13 Recent advances in zoo and wild animals health and management  BM Arora 01
    14 Advanced practical zoology PS Verma 01
    15 Animal behavior Reena Mathur 01
    16 Genetics B.D Singh 01

    List of Books Purchased in 2017-2018 Name of the Book Author Name Qty
    1. Invertebrates Structure and Function 2/E Barrington 01
    2. The cell – Molecular approach 7/E Cooper 01
    3 Vertebrate comparative anatomy & Evolution 6/E Kardong 01
    4 Lehninger Principles Of Biochemistry 7/E Nelson 01
    8 Principles Of Genetics 8TH ED Snusted, Gardner 01
    6 Animal Behaviour Evolutionary Approach Alcock 01
    7. Ecology Odum 01
    8. An Introduction to Embryology 5/E Balinsky 01
    9 Principle of Systematic Zoology 2/E Mayer 01

    List of Books Purchased in 2018-2019

    S.No. Name of the Book Author
    1. Invertebrate structure & Functions Barrington
    2. Cell & Molecular biology Karp (2005)
    3. Essentials of Cell & Molecular biology Derobetis (1987)
    4. Molecular Cell Biology Darnell Lodish&Baltimore(2004)
    5. Vertebrate Comparative Anatomy & Evolution Kardong
    6. Economic Zoology Shukla &Upadhay
    7. Fish & Fisheries of India Jhingram (1991)
    8. Evolutionary Biology Minkoff
    9. Books of Indian birds Salim Ali
    10. Fish & Wildlife Principles Of Zoology & Ecology Burton
    11. Environment Laws Of Wild Life Trivedi Singh
    12. Hand Book Of National Parks, Century & Biospheres Reserve In India Negi
    13. Principles Of Biochemistry Lehninger Nelson Cox
    14. Genetics  ; A Conceptual Approach 6/E Benjamin  Pierce
    15. Principles Of Genetics Gardner
    16. Text Book Of Animal Husbandry Banerjee
    17. An Introduction To Animal Behaviour 6/E Manning
    18. Molecular ClonningA Lab Manual Sambrook
    19. Genetics ; A Molecular  Approach Brown
    20.   Immunology Kuby Owen
    21. Essential Immunology Roitt’s Delves
    22. Ecology And Environment Science H.R.Singh
    23. Ecology P.D.Sharma
    24. Organic Evolution Veerbala Rastogi
    25. Organic Evolution Mohan  Arora
    26. Ecology Odum
    27. Biophysical Chemistry; Principles &  Techniques Upadyay
    28. Spectroscopy Pavia
    29. Development Biology Muller
    30. Chordate  Embryology P.S Verma
    31. Principles Of Techniques Of Mole Cular Biology Wilson Walker
    32. Harper Biochemistry Murray
    33. Animal Behaviour V.K.Aggarwal
    34. Animal Behaviour M.P.Arora
    35. Animal Behaviour Reena  Mathur
    36. Genetics B.D.Singh

    List of Books Purchased in 2019-2020

    S.No. Name of the Book Author Quantity
    1. Principles of Systematic Zoology Ernst Mayr 1
    2. Animal Physiology Hill 1
    3. Evolution 4/E Douglas Futuyma 1
    4. Genetics Veer Bala Rastogi 1
    5. Theory and Practice of Animal Taxonomy 8/E V.C. Kapo 6
    6. BeeKeeping in India G.K. Ghosh 1
    7. Sericulture P. Venkat Anarasaiah 1
    8. Ecology and Environmental Science H.R. Singh 5
    9. Animal Behaviour Reena Mathur 5
    10. Animal Ecology Veer Bala Rastogi 3
    11. Organic Evolution Chaudhury 1
    12. Insect collection and identification Techniques for the field and Laboratory 2/E Timothy Gibb 1
    13. Insect molecular genetics 4/E Hoy 1
    14. The Biology of Cancer 2/E Weinberg 1
    15. Beckers World of the Cell 9/E Hardin Bertoni 1
    16. Development Biology Gilbert 1
    17. Ecology of Invertebrate Disease Ann Hajek David 1
    18. Concept of Genetics Klug 1
    19. Human Biochemistry Litwack 1
    20. Immunology 2/E Hannagan 1
    21. A Text Book of Environmental Science Vidya Thakur 1
    22. Solid and Hazardous Waste Management M N Rao 1
    23. Comparative anatomy of Vertebrates 2/E R K Saxena 1
    24. Principles of Biochemistry M S Batra 1
    25. Economic Zoology Shukla Upadhyay 5
    26. Organic Evolution (Evolutionary Biology) 13/E Rastogi 5
    27. Zoology and Environmental Science H.R. Singh 3
    28. Analysis A Practical Mannual R.S. Dahiya 2
    29. Dispensing Pharmaceutical Pharmacy a Practical Mannual SanmathiB.S 2
    30. Theory and Practice of Chromatographic Techniques Sanjay barri 2
    31. Drug disposition and Pharmacokinetics 3/E Curry 1
    32. The chemistry of organic medical products Jenion 1
    33. Pharmaceutical basic Principles and formulation Tripathi 1
    34. Pharmacology a companion Hand Book with Illustration Ravi Shankar 1
    35. The Principle of Heterocyclic Chemistry Alan R Katri 5
    36. Pharmacology and Toxicology for 2nd year Diploma in Pharmacy 3/E RajeV.N 1
    37. Fundamentalism of Pharmacology Dr. K.G, Bothara 1
    38. Human anatomy and Physiology -1 Deepa S Mandlik 20
    39. A Practical book of Pharmaceutical -1 Dr. A.A Hajela 5
    40.  Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry Siddiqui,A.A 4
    41. Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry -III Dr. K.G Bothara 1
    42. Physical Pharmacy; and instrumental methods of analyasis Akhter 1
    43. Principle of Genetics 8/E Gardner, Snusted 1
    44. Karps Cell Biology Global ED 8/E Karp, G 1
    45. Principle of Genetics 7/E Snusted 1
    46. Prescotts Microbiology, 10/E Willy Sharwood 1

  • List of Equipment's (2015-20)

    S. No. Item Purchased Qty
    1. BOD Incubator 01
    2. Centrifuge 01
    3. Swingout Rotor for centrifuge 01
    4. Hot Air Oven 01
    5. Rotary Microtome 01
    6. Black Rexine Charts 25
    7. Compound Microscope Sup Optics 30
    8. Micropipette Fixed vol 05
    9. Micropipette Variable vol 05
    10. Binocular Microscope 03
    11. Sphygmomanometer mercury Diamond Make 05
    12. Sphygmomanometer Digital 02
    13. Stethoscope sup 05
    14. Haemoglobinometer 10
    15. Haemocytometer 15
    16. Magnus System 01
    17. Multimedia Projector 01
    18. Projector Screen 52”x 70” with tripod stand 01
    19. Computer Intel Dual core 01
    20. Chromatography jar 05
    21. Autoclave Vertical double wall size= 12”x 20” 01
    22. Transilluminator 01
    23. Vortex Mixer 01
    24. Mini Submarine Electrophoresis Unit 01

    List of Equipment (2018-19)

    Sr.No Name of the Equipment Quantity
    1 Student Microscope

    Model: MED star senior(Labovision)

    2 Binocular microscope, Model :Coax 10 B(Labovision) 4
    3 Compound Microscope, Magnus monocular microscope MLX-M with LED light source 10
    4 Binocular Microscope, Magnus Binocular microscope model MLXi plus with UPS 60 min battery backup 01
    5 Stereomicroscope magnus MS24 with option for micro image projection system with projector & screen 01
    6 Stereo Zoom Binocular Microscope with Dual LED Illumination, Getner OPZ PL(LED) Opto Zoom 03
    7 Trinocular Microscope Getner Microvision XLT 02
    8 Medical Microscope with built in graduator Coaxial mechanical stage GETNER KF-4A 10
    9. Trinocular Compound Microscope model :DG sense view star(Labovision) 02
    10 Microprocessor PH-MV-TEMP meter :S-906 01
    11. Digital Spectrophotometer S-921 01
    12. ACZET Make Automatic external Calibration Balance with capacity 610 g & readability 0.01g CY612 01
    13 Incubator orbital Shaker with universal Tray OS2 CAT No. 116736GB 01
    14 Student microscope 02
    15 Digital pH meter with electrode

    (Toshniwal make)

  • List Extended Practical’s (2015-20)

    List of Extended Practical’s 2015-16

    S. No. List ofExtendedpracticals
    1. Demonstration of microscope , its parts, uses &care.
    2. To study stages in life cycle of plasmodium.
    3. To study animal adaptations in animals seen in KMV college campus.
    4. To study scales and fins in fishes.
    5. To identify and study poisonous and non poisonoussnakes .
    6. Comparative study of skeleton of vertebrates.
    7. To study bar bodies (heterochromatin materials).
    8. To study the process of incubation in chick egg and further development of its embryo.
    9. To study differential leucocyte count of human blood.
    10. Demonstration of microscope , its parts, uses &care.
    11. To study haematocrit or Packed cell volume.

    List of Extended Practical’s 2016-17

    S. No. List of Extended practical’s
    1. To study beaks and claws in birds.
    2. To study various stages of human foetus.


    To study process of   artificial incubation   in chick egg and further study its early embryonic development.


    Assessment of  Water quality parameters water samples from different water sources


    Analysis of water samples from different sources in city by using different physicochemical parameters.
    6. Recording of blood pressure at rest and after exercise.
    7. To demonstrate the process of sterilization using autoclave.
    8. To prepare Preparation and study of cell division mitosis and meiosis.
    9. Histopathological studies of fish visceral organs.
    10. Demonstration of   Agarose  gel  electrophoresis.

    List of Extended Practical’s 2017-18

    S.No. List of Extended practical’s
    1. To study the phototropic behavior of  insects (Tribolium)
    2. To study the modifications of antennae.
    3. To study the Cephalic and Thoracic appendages of Prawn.
    4. To study the food preference in insects.
    5. Study of different types of fish scales.
    6. To study the spicules of Herdmania.
    7. To study different types of mammalian placenta.
    8. To demonstrate sterlisation techniques.
    9. To set up and perform agarose gel electrophoresis.
    10. To analyse the blood group of man.
    11. To study the compound microscope, its parts, working, functions & care.

    List of Extended Practical’s 2018-19

    S. No. List of Extended Practical’s
    1. To determine the total RBC  count in human blood using hemocytometer


    2. To determine the DLC (Morphology of blood cells) in Human Blood.


    3. To determine the PCV (Packed Cell Volume) in human blood.


    4. To conduct the trypan blue test with animal cell culture


    5. To prepare solutions with different Molarity, Normality &ph.


    6. Demonstration of diffusion and osmosis.


    7. To study Salivary glands of cockroach.


    8. To study of spicules of Herdmania.


    9. To study nests of sparrow, weaver bird, pigeon, crow, peahen etc.


    10. To study different types of fish scales.


    11. Demonstration of dominant epistasis through beads.


    12. Comparison of variance of student Height & Weight of B.Sc. III students. Also plot a histogram to demonstrate variations in height of students.


    13. Preparation of permanent slides of mouth parts of different insects.


    14. Study of DHC (Differential Haemocyte Count) in lepidopteran larvae.


    15. To perform paper chromatography using spinach leaves.


    16. To demonstrate hypotonicity & hypertonicity.


    17. Demonstration of Native & SDS PAGE (Poly Acrylamide Gel Electrophoresis).


    18. Demonstration of working of Refrigerated Centrifuge, Autoclave & Electrophoresis units.


    List of Extended Practical’s 2019-20

    S.No. List of Extended Practical’s
    1. Analysis of urine for different clinical parameters (proteins, bile salts, Ketone bodies etc.).
    2. Demonstration of W.B.C count.
    3. To compare blood smear of frog with that of mammal.
    4. To study mimicry in nature.
    5. Extraction of DNA with household items to see it with naked eyes.
    6. Preparation of Normal, molar and percent solutions.
    7. Prepare buffer solution with different pH.
    8. Identification and study of cancer cells-slides/photomicrographs.
    9. To study inheritance of Haemophilia in Royal family of England.
    10. To draw pedigree of your family showing inheritance of any character.
    11. Demonstration of Nanodrop Spectrophotometer.
    12. Demonstration of Thermal Cycler and Gel documentation system.
    13. Hands on training of pipetting.
    14. Maintenance and calibration of pH instrument.
    15. Assignment on role of stem cells in leukemia, neuro degenerative diseases.
    16. Assignment on advancement in saliva and urine (Non invasive samples) based diagnostics.
    17. Assignment on application of proteomics and metabolomics.
    18. Assignment on early onset of diabetes in school students due to junk food.
    19. Assignment on high fat salt and sugar diet.
    20. Assignment on stool transplantation.

Department of Zoology List of Projects (2015-2020)

List of Projects 2015-16

S. No. Topic of the project
1 To study biodiversity in pond water.


2 Collection of mosquito larvae in KMV college campus in various months of the year.


3 To study biodiversity of vertebrates in KMV campus.


5 To study the factors that influences the colour and size of yolk of chickens egg.


6 To study inheritance of diseases.


7 To study different mosquitoes and their larvae in kmv college and nearby areas, Jalandhar.


List of Projects 2016-17

1)      Study to assess the water quality and fishery at Kali Bein, Jalandhar.
2)        To study flora, fauna and water quality of Harike wetland.
3)        Comparative study of protein content from vegetarian and   non-vegetarian sources.
1.        To collect and identify mosquito larva in and around KMV campus.
2.        Identification & study of life cycles of pests of pulses and grains.
3.        To study the influence of gender and age on BMI & BMR of staff members (Teaching & Non-teaching) of KMV college.
4.        Isolation of DNA from insect samples using phenol – chloroform method and its quantification using   spectrophotometer.
5.        To set up protozoan culture using different water resources.
6.        To study insect biodiversity in and around KMV campus.
7.        Survey of different   phenotypic  traits ( e.g free & fused ear lobes; eye color; hair form etc. among  the students of KMV college.
8.        To collect different types of feathers and their identification.

List of Projects 2017-18

S.No. Title
1) To study the Zooplanktons & Phytoplanktons in pond water of Botanical garden. (Zoology & Botany).
2) Maintenaince & functioning of Vermicompositing unit of KMV campus. (Zoology & Botany).
3) Protein estimation by Bradford Method.
4) Plant Genomic DNA Extraction.
5) Tryphan Blue Exclusion test of cell viability.
6) Estimation of Protein by Lowry’s Method ..
S.No. Title
1) To study the insect biodiversity of KMV campus.
2) To study the repellant properties of Azadirachta indica (Neem leaves) on stored grains.
3) To study the correlation between obesity and BMI/BMR.
4) To study the correlation between feeding habits and shape of beaks in birds.
5) To study the inheritance of  various phenotypic traits of students of KMV Campus.

List of Projects 2018-19

S.No. Title
1)        To demonstrate the food preference experiment on lepidopteran insect (using Artificial and Natural diets).
2)        To study the life cycle of Sitophilus/ Tribolium.
3)        To maintain the culture of Lepidopteron insect.
4)        To study the effect of insecticide on larval form of lepidopteran insect
5)        To prepare the Protozoan Culture from pond water.
6)        To identify and stain the Bacterial Culture from curd.
7)        Visit to fish farm and morphometric study of fishes.


8)        Water quality assessment by using different parameters (Zoology & Chemistry).


9)        Estimation of LC50 of mercuric chloride on fish (BOD, COD, pH, etc).


10)    Effect of diet (Veg or non-veg) on particular age group.


11)    Effect of exercise on blood pressure and pulse rates.
12)    Culture maintenance of stored grain pests
13)    Fingerprinting analysis (Dermatoglyphics) for hereditary traits and identification of genetic diseases.
14)    Prevalence of diabetes in different areas and age groups and its relation to physical activity.
15)    To study incidence of hypertension in different age groups and its relation to age, sex and heredity.
16)    DNA extraction from different animal tissues.
17)    To study antibacterial activity of Neem extract (Zoology, Biotecnology & Chemistry).
18)    Isolation of E.Coli from Fresh and pasteurized milk.
19)    Determination of sanitary status of different surfaces of Mess and Canteen (Zoology & Microbiology).
20)    To conduct the BMI test for whole college campus students.
21)    To test proteins from saliva and urine sample.

List of Project in 2019-2020

S.No. Title
1)        Study of life cycle of insect pests Callosobruchus maculates and Sitophilus oryza.
2)        Study of diabetes in different areas (Rural/ Urban) and age groups.
3)        To study the effect of sound on blood pressure.
4)        To study the effect of ageing on flexibility.
5)        To study morphometric characteristics and meristic count of fish Catla catla.
6)        To study blood group inheritance in families of your classmates.
7)        To study various kinds of mimicry adaptations in Kingdom Animalia.
8)        Identification of fresh water planktons.
9)        To study the adulterants in food (honey, milk).
10)    Classifying different phyla in your locality.
11)    Effect of different antibiotics and plant extracts on acne microbes.
12)    To check mobility of DNA at different pH and temperature.
13)    Isolation of PHA producing bacteria from soil and water.
14)    To study the water quality of samples collected from different localities.
15)    Review on childhood food addiction and obesity.
16)    Review on personalized medicine concept.

List of Books Purchased in 2015-2020

List of Books Purchased in 2015-2016 Name of the Book Author Name Qty
1. Cell Biology CB Powar 01
2. Cell and Molecular Biology De Robertis 01
3. Developmental Biology by Gilbert 01
4. Ecology by Odum 01
5. Human Biology by Daniel D. Chiras 01
6. Immunology – Essentials of Immunology Roitt 01
7. Medical Physiology Guyton 01
8. Parasitology by Chatterjee 01
9. Stickberger’s Evolution Stickberger 01
10. Genetics Daniell. Hartl Maryellen 01
11. Medical Zoology R C Sobti 10
12. Inquiry into life Mader 01
13. Immunology and microbiology Mandeep Kaur 01
14. Biology Marcus Barbor 01
15. Human Biology Mader 01
16. Advances in Microbiology Neha Charan 01
17. Laboratory manual for biotechnology Ashish S. Verma ,Surajit Das , Anchal Singh 01
18. Cell and molecular biology PK Gupta 01
19. Ecology and environment PD Sharma 01
20. Genetics numerical problems VK Khanna 01
21. Biotechniques theory and practical SVS Rana 01
22. Cell biology Singh &Tomar 01
23. Recent advances in zoo and wild animals health and management Arora ,Shrivastav 01
24. Advanced practical zoology PS Verma& PC Shrivastava 01
25. Animal behavior Reena Mathur 01
26. Genetics B.D Singh 01
27. A Textbook Of Microbiology Ananthanarayan&Paniker’s 01

List of Books Purchased in 2016-2017 Name of the Book Author Name Qty
1. Inquiry into life Mader 01
2. Immunology and microbiology Mandeep Kaur 01
3. Biology Marcus Barbor 01
4. Human Biology Mader 01
5 Advances in Microbiology Neha Charan 01
6. Textbook of microbiology 9th edition Arti Kapil 01
7. Laboratory manual for biotechnology Ashish S. Verma 01
8 Cell and molecular biology PK Gupta 01
9 Ecology and environment PD Sharma 01
10 Genetics numerical problems VK Sharma 01
11 Biotechniques theory and practical SVS Sharma 01
12 Cell biology Singh &tomar 01
13 Recent advances in zoo and wild animals health and management  BM Arora 01
14 Advanced practical zoology PS Verma 01
15 Animal behavior Reena Mathur 01
16 Genetics B.D Singh 01

List of Books Purchased in 2017-2018 Name of the Book Author Name Qty
1. Invertebrates Structure and Function 2/E Barrington 01
2. The cell – Molecular approach 7/E Cooper 01
3 Vertebrate comparative anatomy & Evolution 6/E Kardong 01
4 Lehninger Principles Of Biochemistry 7/E Nelson 01
8 Principles Of Genetics 8TH ED Snusted, Gardner 01
6 Animal Behaviour Evolutionary Approach Alcock 01
7. Ecology Odum 01
8. An Introduction to Embryology 5/E Balinsky 01
9 Principle of Systematic Zoology 2/E Mayer 01

List of Books Purchased in 2018-2019

S.No. Name of the Book Author
1. Invertebrate structure & Functions Barrington
2. Cell & Molecular biology Karp (2005)
3. Essentials of Cell & Molecular biology Derobetis (1987)
4. Molecular Cell Biology Darnell Lodish&Baltimore(2004)
5. Vertebrate Comparative Anatomy & Evolution Kardong
6. Economic Zoology Shukla &Upadhay
7. Fish & Fisheries of India Jhingram (1991)
8. Evolutionary Biology Minkoff
9. Books of Indian birds Salim Ali
10. Fish & Wildlife Principles Of Zoology & Ecology Burton
11. Environment Laws Of Wild Life Trivedi Singh
12. Hand Book Of National Parks, Century & Biospheres Reserve In India Negi
13. Principles Of Biochemistry Lehninger Nelson Cox
14. Genetics  ; A Conceptual Approach 6/E Benjamin  Pierce
15. Principles Of Genetics Gardner
16. Text Book Of Animal Husbandry Banerjee
17. An Introduction To Animal Behaviour 6/E Manning
18. Molecular ClonningA Lab Manual Sambrook
19. Genetics ; A Molecular  Approach Brown
20.   Immunology Kuby Owen
21. Essential Immunology Roitt’s Delves
22. Ecology And Environment Science H.R.Singh
23. Ecology P.D.Sharma
24. Organic Evolution Veerbala Rastogi
25. Organic Evolution Mohan  Arora
26. Ecology Odum
27. Biophysical Chemistry; Principles &  Techniques Upadyay
28. Spectroscopy Pavia
29. Development Biology Muller
30. Chordate  Embryology P.S Verma
31. Principles Of Techniques Of Mole Cular Biology Wilson Walker
32. Harper Biochemistry Murray
33. Animal Behaviour V.K.Aggarwal
34. Animal Behaviour M.P.Arora
35. Animal Behaviour Reena  Mathur
36. Genetics B.D.Singh

List of Books Purchased in 2019-2020

S.No. Name of the Book Author Quantity
1. Principles of Systematic Zoology Ernst Mayr 1
2. Animal Physiology Hill 1
3. Evolution 4/E Douglas Futuyma 1
4. Genetics Veer Bala Rastogi 1
5. Theory and Practice of Animal Taxonomy 8/E V.C. Kapo 6
6. BeeKeeping in India G.K. Ghosh 1
7. Sericulture P. Venkat Anarasaiah 1
8. Ecology and Environmental Science H.R. Singh 5
9. Animal Behaviour Reena Mathur 5
10. Animal Ecology Veer Bala Rastogi 3
11. Organic Evolution Chaudhury 1
12. Insect collection and identification Techniques for the field and Laboratory 2/E Timothy Gibb 1
13. Insect molecular genetics 4/E Hoy 1
14. The Biology of Cancer 2/E Weinberg 1
15. Beckers World of the Cell 9/E Hardin Bertoni 1
16. Development Biology Gilbert 1
17. Ecology of Invertebrate Disease Ann Hajek David 1
18. Concept of Genetics Klug 1
19. Human Biochemistry Litwack 1
20. Immunology 2/E Hannagan 1
21. A Text Book of Environmental Science Vidya Thakur 1
22. Solid and Hazardous Waste Management M N Rao 1
23. Comparative anatomy of Vertebrates 2/E R K Saxena 1
24. Principles of Biochemistry M S Batra 1
25. Economic Zoology Shukla Upadhyay 5
26. Organic Evolution (Evolutionary Biology) 13/E Rastogi 5
27. Zoology and Environmental Science H.R. Singh 3
28. Analysis A Practical Mannual R.S. Dahiya 2
29. Dispensing Pharmaceutical Pharmacy a Practical Mannual SanmathiB.S 2
30. Theory and Practice of Chromatographic Techniques Sanjay barri 2
31. Drug disposition and Pharmacokinetics 3/E Curry 1
32. The chemistry of organic medical products Jenion 1
33. Pharmaceutical basic Principles and formulation Tripathi 1
34. Pharmacology a companion Hand Book with Illustration Ravi Shankar 1
35. The Principle of Heterocyclic Chemistry Alan R Katri 5
36. Pharmacology and Toxicology for 2nd year Diploma in Pharmacy 3/E RajeV.N 1
37. Fundamentalism of Pharmacology Dr. K.G, Bothara 1
38. Human anatomy and Physiology -1 Deepa S Mandlik 20
39. A Practical book of Pharmaceutical -1 Dr. A.A Hajela 5
40.  Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry Siddiqui,A.A 4
41. Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry -III Dr. K.G Bothara 1
42. Physical Pharmacy; and instrumental methods of analyasis Akhter 1
43. Principle of Genetics 8/E Gardner, Snusted 1
44. Karps Cell Biology Global ED 8/E Karp, G 1
45. Principle of Genetics 7/E Snusted 1
46. Prescotts Microbiology, 10/E Willy Sharwood 1

List of Equipment's (2015-20)

S. No. Item Purchased Qty
1. BOD Incubator 01
2. Centrifuge 01
3. Swingout Rotor for centrifuge 01
4. Hot Air Oven 01
5. Rotary Microtome 01
6. Black Rexine Charts 25
7. Compound Microscope Sup Optics 30
8. Micropipette Fixed vol 05
9. Micropipette Variable vol 05
10. Binocular Microscope 03
11. Sphygmomanometer mercury Diamond Make 05
12. Sphygmomanometer Digital 02
13. Stethoscope sup 05
14. Haemoglobinometer 10
15. Haemocytometer 15
16. Magnus System 01
17. Multimedia Projector 01
18. Projector Screen 52”x 70” with tripod stand 01
19. Computer Intel Dual core 01
20. Chromatography jar 05
21. Autoclave Vertical double wall size= 12”x 20” 01
22. Transilluminator 01
23. Vortex Mixer 01
24. Mini Submarine Electrophoresis Unit 01

List of Equipment (2018-19)

Sr.No Name of the Equipment Quantity
1 Student Microscope

Model: MED star senior(Labovision)

2 Binocular microscope, Model :Coax 10 B(Labovision) 4
3 Compound Microscope, Magnus monocular microscope MLX-M with LED light source 10
4 Binocular Microscope, Magnus Binocular microscope model MLXi plus with UPS 60 min battery backup 01
5 Stereomicroscope magnus MS24 with option for micro image projection system with projector & screen 01
6 Stereo Zoom Binocular Microscope with Dual LED Illumination, Getner OPZ PL(LED) Opto Zoom 03
7 Trinocular Microscope Getner Microvision XLT 02
8 Medical Microscope with built in graduator Coaxial mechanical stage GETNER KF-4A 10
9. Trinocular Compound Microscope model :DG sense view star(Labovision) 02
10 Microprocessor PH-MV-TEMP meter :S-906 01
11. Digital Spectrophotometer S-921 01
12. ACZET Make Automatic external Calibration Balance with capacity 610 g & readability 0.01g CY612 01
13 Incubator orbital Shaker with universal Tray OS2 CAT No. 116736GB 01
14 Student microscope 02
15 Digital pH meter with electrode

(Toshniwal make)


List Extended Practical’s (2015-20)

List of Extended Practical’s 2015-16

S. No. List ofExtendedpracticals
1. Demonstration of microscope , its parts, uses &care.
2. To study stages in life cycle of plasmodium.
3. To study animal adaptations in animals seen in KMV college campus.
4. To study scales and fins in fishes.
5. To identify and study poisonous and non poisonoussnakes .
6. Comparative study of skeleton of vertebrates.
7. To study bar bodies (heterochromatin materials).
8. To study the process of incubation in chick egg and further development of its embryo.
9. To study differential leucocyte count of human blood.
10. Demonstration of microscope , its parts, uses &care.
11. To study haematocrit or Packed cell volume.

List of Extended Practical’s 2016-17

S. No. List of Extended practical’s
1. To study beaks and claws in birds.
2. To study various stages of human foetus.


To study process of   artificial incubation   in chick egg and further study its early embryonic development.


Assessment of  Water quality parameters water samples from different water sources


Analysis of water samples from different sources in city by using different physicochemical parameters.
6. Recording of blood pressure at rest and after exercise.
7. To demonstrate the process of sterilization using autoclave.
8. To prepare Preparation and study of cell division mitosis and meiosis.
9. Histopathological studies of fish visceral organs.
10. Demonstration of   Agarose  gel  electrophoresis.

List of Extended Practical’s 2017-18

S.No. List of Extended practical’s
1. To study the phototropic behavior of  insects (Tribolium)
2. To study the modifications of antennae.
3. To study the Cephalic and Thoracic appendages of Prawn.
4. To study the food preference in insects.
5. Study of different types of fish scales.
6. To study the spicules of Herdmania.
7. To study different types of mammalian placenta.
8. To demonstrate sterlisation techniques.
9. To set up and perform agarose gel electrophoresis.
10. To analyse the blood group of man.
11. To study the compound microscope, its parts, working, functions & care.

List of Extended Practical’s 2018-19

S. No. List of Extended Practical’s
1. To determine the total RBC  count in human blood using hemocytometer


2. To determine the DLC (Morphology of blood cells) in Human Blood.


3. To determine the PCV (Packed Cell Volume) in human blood.


4. To conduct the trypan blue test with animal cell culture


5. To prepare solutions with different Molarity, Normality &ph.


6. Demonstration of diffusion and osmosis.


7. To study Salivary glands of cockroach.


8. To study of spicules of Herdmania.


9. To study nests of sparrow, weaver bird, pigeon, crow, peahen etc.


10. To study different types of fish scales.


11. Demonstration of dominant epistasis through beads.


12. Comparison of variance of student Height & Weight of B.Sc. III students. Also plot a histogram to demonstrate variations in height of students.


13. Preparation of permanent slides of mouth parts of different insects.


14. Study of DHC (Differential Haemocyte Count) in lepidopteran larvae.


15. To perform paper chromatography using spinach leaves.


16. To demonstrate hypotonicity & hypertonicity.


17. Demonstration of Native & SDS PAGE (Poly Acrylamide Gel Electrophoresis).


18. Demonstration of working of Refrigerated Centrifuge, Autoclave & Electrophoresis units.


List of Extended Practical’s 2019-20

S.No. List of Extended Practical’s
1. Analysis of urine for different clinical parameters (proteins, bile salts, Ketone bodies etc.).
2. Demonstration of W.B.C count.
3. To compare blood smear of frog with that of mammal.
4. To study mimicry in nature.
5. Extraction of DNA with household items to see it with naked eyes.
6. Preparation of Normal, molar and percent solutions.
7. Prepare buffer solution with different pH.
8. Identification and study of cancer cells-slides/photomicrographs.
9. To study inheritance of Haemophilia in Royal family of England.
10. To draw pedigree of your family showing inheritance of any character.
11. Demonstration of Nanodrop Spectrophotometer.
12. Demonstration of Thermal Cycler and Gel documentation system.
13. Hands on training of pipetting.
14. Maintenance and calibration of pH instrument.
15. Assignment on role of stem cells in leukemia, neuro degenerative diseases.
16. Assignment on advancement in saliva and urine (Non invasive samples) based diagnostics.
17. Assignment on application of proteomics and metabolomics.
18. Assignment on early onset of diabetes in school students due to junk food.
19. Assignment on high fat salt and sugar diet.
20. Assignment on stool transplantation.

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