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  • Only College under GNDU to be bestowed with FIST & CURIE grant by DST- Govt. of India
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KMV Collegiate Sr. Sec. School students participate in Pariksha Pe Charchaprogramme of Government of India

Event Date

January 20, 2022

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya Collegiate Senior Secondary School participated with full zeal and enthusiasm in Pariksha Pe Charchaprogramme conducted by Government of India. On this occasion, students presented their views on various issues related to examinations. Presenting her views on the topic Policies for Management of Examination Stress during COVID-19,  10+ 2 (Arts) student Ashu Mehta said that to eliminate such stress, resort to activities like yoga practice and meditation posture etc. can be taken. Along with this, Tanya, a student of 10 2 (Medical), while speaking on the topic of Amrit Mahotsav, considered it a great initiative of the Government of India, through which apart from celebrating 75 years of Progressive India, the golden history, culture and successes of the people were also talked about. Presenting his views on the topic Self Reliance School for Self Reliant India, Jaskaran 10+2 (Commerce) called it a perfect platform to project confidence and talent. Talking on the topic of Clean India Green India, Anushka 10 + 1 (Commerce) spoke about the importance of cleanliness as well as told it to be the responsibility of every citizen. On the topic Digital Collaboration in Classroom, Ritika 10 +1 (Medical) said that digital partnership helps in enhancing the skills of the students and working in a team. Along with this, Radhika Rajput, a student of 10+ 1 (Non Medical), while talking about Conservation and Climate Change, presented her views regarding the impact of the environment and environmental protection. Principal Prof. Atima Sharma Dwivedi congratulated all the students who performed brilliantly by participating in this program and also lauded the efforts made by the teachers of the collegiate school.

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