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KMV organises a seminar dedicated to the writing of Shiromani Writer Prof. Suresh Seth

Event Date

September 23, 2022

There is no genre of literature that has not been touched by the pen of Prof. Seth: Sh. ChanderMohan

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous) organised a one day seminar dedicated to the writings of Shiromani writerProf. Suresh Seth. The title of the seminar wasPoet of Contemporary Sentiments: Prof. Suresh Seth.The seminar was organised by PG Department of Hindi. Sh ChanderMohan, President, Arya Shiksha Mandal was the chief guest for the occasion. Dr. Anil Pandey also attended the event as special speaker. Welcoming the esteemed guests, Principal Prof. Dr. Atima Sharma Dwivedi highly appreciated the writing style of Prof. Seth. She averred that the literature of Prof. Seth not only aware about the social anomalies of the society in the present times but also makes us aware about their solutions. Along with this, Prof. Dwivedi also shed light on the writing style of Sh. ChanderMohan. ChanderMohan throwing light on the 60 years of writing career of Prof. Seth said that there is no genre of literature which has been not touched by the pen of Prof. Seth. Dr Pandey told everyone that he considers Prof. Seth a poet of human pain who has experienced same kind of pain which was suffered by Tulsidas and Kabir. During the occasion, Prof. Seth’s book containingcollection of poems titled Saleeb Par TangiSanvedna. More than80students participated in this seminar with full zeal and enthusiasm. Dr Vinod Kalra, Dr Rupika, Dr Anushobha also read out the papers related to poetry of Prof. Seth. On this occasion, Dr Madhumeet, Dean, Languages, Dr Iqbal Kaur, Head, PG Department of Punjabi & Dr Gurjot, Head, Department of History were also present.

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