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KMV organises an international webinar cum virtual touron Developing Research Ethics for the better future under its International Series

Event Date

May 17, 2022

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous) organised an international webinar cum virtual tour under its International Series (Chemistry Chapter) on the topic ‘Developing Research Ethics for the better future’. The event was organised by PG Department of Chemistry. The webinar was attended by more than 75 students with full zeal and enthusiasm. Ms. Ridhi Salotra fromQueens University, UK was invited as the resource person. Ms. Ridhi Salotra also arranged a virtual tour of Queens University while keeping main focus on their research labs. Ms. Ridhi commenced her lecture with discussing about the greatest challenges of 21st century i.e. Sustainable Developments and the various goals to achieve it. She emphasised that there are mainly three pathways namelyChemistry, Physics and Mathematics as students can have infinite number of opportunities from each of them. She motivated the students to participate in national and international conferences. While interacting with the students, she informed the students about GRE-ETS exams for doing research in USA, Canada&Australiaetc. She also guided the students very well in finding the research opportunities.She commenced the virtual visit from nano chemistry lab, then moved towards the organic synthetic lab and chemical engineering lab showing the latest fume-hood, rota vapours, deep freezers and UV-chambers. Mr. Andrew, Ms. Hier and Mr. Stevan  also interacted with the students and explained their research work by showing sophisticated instruments like High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Fluorometer and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The most interesting part of the virtual tour was the visit to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) lab, where they had explained the importance of two NMR equipments with 400 Mega Hertz (MHz) and 600 MHz frequency. Principal Prof. (Dr.) Atima Sharma Dwivedi lauded the efforts of PG Department of Chemistry for organising such events where students can have virtual access of state-of-the-art research labs of international institutions.

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