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KMV organises an international webinar on Domestic Violence against Women: Break the Silence

Event Date

March 17, 2023

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous)P.G. Department ofPsychology organized an International Webinar on the topic “Domestic ViolenceagainstWomen: Breakthe Silence”. Theeminent resource person for the Webinar was Dr. MeghaMishra, Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Southend University, London (UK).Dr. Meghacommenced the webinar by emphasizing on the need for creating awareness amongst women about violence that they suffer at home and are unable to voice out their pain because of a lot of factors like fear of judgement, financial dependency, children’s responsibility, pregnancy, a hope, that might be their patience could change the situation or sometimes denial. Dr. Mishra also brought to limelight the different forms of abuse as sometimes the victims are in denial.  She conducted a poll with students to understand their opinion on this extremely sensitive matter in which the students participated actively. She also explained the role of a psychologist and other mental health care providers in helping the victims of abuse especially how to ask the right questions and what not to ask specifically. She also gave an insight into the statistics of domestic violence in UK and India. Students also asked their queries from Dr. Megha to which she responded eloquently. PrincipalProf.(Dr.)AtimaSharmaDwivedilaudedtheeffortsofthe PG Department ofPsychologyforconductingthis insightful internationalwebinar on this sensitive topic.

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