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KMV organises an online Inter-college Caption contest

Students from all over India participate enthusiastically in this competition

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous) organised an onlineInter-college Caption contest named ‘Power of Pen’ in order to harness creative potential of students in English. The competition was organised by PG Department of English. KMV- a student-centric institution ceaselessly makes earnest endeavours to explore, energise and engage students to showcase their abilities in creative domains. The Caption contest elicited an overwhelming participation of the students from different states of India namely Punjab, Jammu, Chandigarh, Haryana, Maharashtra Delhi and Andhra Pradesh. E-certificates have been awarded to all participants whereas winners were awarded with e-certificates of Excellence for their catchy captions.Congratulating the winners, Principal Prof. Dr. Atima Sharma Dwivedi averred that such creative activities provide young learners ample opportunities aimed at fostering language competencies like perception, precision and power of imagination through expression. By participating in contests like Caption writing that adds value to images, students can carve a niche` for themselves in the fields like Photojournalism and Social media. Madam Principal lauded the efforts of Dr. Madhumeet, Head, PG Department of English and Ms. Vanila, Associate Professor, PG Department of English for organising this online event successfully.

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