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KMV organises Gender Sensitisation Program for creating awareness about gender equality

Event Date

November 5, 2024

KanyaMahaVidyalaya (Autonomous), the trailblazer in women’s educationstrivesceaselessly to educate and improvethe lives of the young girls who enter it shalloedprecinctswith hope in their eyes. To this end, KMVorganizesone such value added programGendersensitizationprogram, moduled especially for the students of semester 3, which aims to alert and aware the students regarding  the unequal gender practices that are prevalent in our society. Gender Sensitization Program commencedwith the inaugural address of Principal Prof. Dr. Atima Sharma Dwivedi. She averred that this program is aimed at raising awareness of gender equality by modifications and changes in mindsets, attitudes, and behavioural patterns of society at large irrespective of men and women. She stressed upon the importance of change of mindsets, which alone will enable the women to emerge from the traditional cocoon of helplessness, distressed women and tear off the traditional social moorings, to regenerate themselves as  strong and confident individual, who are ready to face the world with grit and aplomb. Self awareness about one’s strengths and capabilities is the formation of any person’s confidence, she repeated.She mentioned that gender inequality has spread its ugly tentacles all over the globe, and such subtle and not so subtle gender discriminations are first to be identified and then fought against. Lack of equal opportunities to men and women create a huge psycho-social pressure which women find hard to overcome, but which has to be overridden, in order to stay at an equal footing with the men. This highly invigorating talk motivated the students, visibly-mark of determination to fight against all odds and emerge as equal, and not inferior. Principal Prof. Atima SharmaDwivedi acknowledged the efforts of Mrs. Amarpreet Khurana, Coordinator, Women’s Studies Centre, for the successful organising of this event.

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