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KMV organises international webinar on Principles, Parameters and Framework of Research: Educational Perspectives under its International Series

Event Date

March 29, 2022

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous)under International Series( English Chapter) organized an international webinar onPrinciples, Parameters  and Framework of Research: Educational Perspectives. The webinar was organized by PG Department of English. Dr. Vijay Singh Thakur, Associate Professor of English Language and Linguistics,  Assistant Dean College of Arts and Applied Sciences,  Dhofar University , Salalah, Oman was the resource person for the webinar. Principal Prof. Dr. Atima Sharma Dwivedi welcomed the esteemed speaker and averred that research is an important part of academic activity and this kind of activities will inspire students and faculty to take up more valuable research projects. Dr. Vijay Singh Thakur presented talkwith the aim of imparting knowledge on ways of creating education and importance of research among faculty and students. In his talk, he gave a very valuable insights on the Standards of Developing and Evaluating research&apprised the participants about the importance of research background, it’s introduction, research area and book review by providing significant details on the topic.Dr. Madhumeet Head, PG Department of English and Dean, Student Welfare Department gave a formal vote of thanks to Dr. Vijay Singh Thakur. Madam Principal lauded extended her gratitude towards Dr. Thakur and lauded the efforts of PG Department of English for successfully organizing the webinar. Ms.Agrima Jain was the moderator for the session.

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