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KMV Organizes a Webinar on Mahatma Gandhi: Message for Youth in Contemporary Context

Event Date

July 15, 2020

Mr Tushar Gandhi, Great Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi Delivers Talk During Webinar

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya- the Heritage & Autonomous institution, Seat of Women Empowerment, Ranked No.1  by India Today Ranking (various categories)organized a webinar on Mahatma Gandhi: Message for Youth in Contemporary Context. The webinar was organized by the Department of History under the aegis of Gandhian Studies Centre. The guest for the webinar was Mr Tushar Gandhi, great grandson of Mahatma Gandhi. A well known activist & journalist, Mr Tusharhas also acted in a film and has authored a book. The webinar was attended by more than1500 participants from all over India. The webinar commenced with the Gayatri mantra, followed by the welcome address of Principal Prof Dr Atima Sharma Dwivedi. She apprised all the participants about the contribution of KMV in the Indian freedom struggle and also Gandhiji’s recognition of this institution. This was followed by a presentation of various social activities carried out byGandhian Studies Centre in the last decade by Dr Monica Sharma. Mr Tushar Gandhi during the webinar focused on the contribution of women in the Indian freedom struggle. He especially acknowledged the contribution of Kasturba Gandhi, who he felt has not received recognition that she deserves. He went on to acknowledge the contribution of other women freedom fighters of this country. He told everyone that he has a reservations for calling Gandhiji a Mahatma as it distanced Gandhiji from the common man. He called upon the youths of the country to act in the present and not wait for the future. He also addressed various queries of the participants ranging fromGandhian Economics in post COVID era to the migrant labour problem, non-violence and education system. Dr Gurjot Kaur, Head, Department of History extended a Vote of Thanks to the guest. Principal Prof Dr Atima Sharma Dwivedi averred that it is very important that our young generation should be made aware about the contributions and thoughts of our freedom fighters so that they should also feel motivated to work progressively and constructively in the Nation building

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