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KMV organizes a workshop on Exploring the Gamut of Career Opportunities for Pursuants of English Literature under Alumni Speaks series

Event Date

April 3, 2024

KanyaMahaVidyalaya (Autonomous)  PG Department of English organised  workshop titled “Exploring the Gamut of Career Opportunities for  Pursuants of English Literature” under Alumni Speaks- a series of inspirational talks. The workshop was conducted  by Ms. AnukiranKhanna,  Director of Spynmark Institute. She provided valuable insights into the diverse career paths available to students of English literature.Ms. AnukiranKhanna, captivated the audience with her  knowledge and engaging presentation. Through interactive sessions and real-life examples, participants gained a comprehensive understanding of the vast array of career options available to English literature  students.The erudite resource person delved into various career avenues where English literature graduates can excel, including publishing, journalism, academia, content writing, digital marketing, and more. During her address, she emphasized the importance of hard skills and soft skills to achieve success in today’s dynamic job market. She also appreciated the various reforms initiated by KMV namely upgraded syllabi, providing value based education and skill development education that have helped her in making a successful career. The workshop witnessed the active participation of students and faculty members.Principal Prof. (Dr.) Atima Sharma Dwivedi averred that this workshop aims to empower students to make informed decisions about their career paths. Madam Principal lauded the efforts of  Dr. Madhumeet, Head, PG Department of English for organizing such an insightful workshop.

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