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KMV Organizes an Expert Talk on Civil Services as a Career

Event Date

February 8, 2020

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya- the Heritage & Autonomous institution, Seat of Women Empowerment, Ranked No.1 College  in India by India Today Ranking (Various Categories) always provide ample amount of opportunities to the students for their proper personality development. Keeping with the trend, the Placement Cell of KMV organized an Expert Talk on the topic Civil Service as a Career. The resource person for the talk was Mr Naman Sharma. More than 200 students participated in this lecture. During the talk, Mr Naman elaborated on various tips & tricks that must be kept in mind while preparing for the civil service examination. He stated that the questions that are in the civil service exam are not direct in nature, but are asked in indirect way so the students should have in depth knowledge regarding the subject. Moreover, he also briefed that the syllabus and the questions that are asked in civil service exam are relevant to modern times, therefore, the students should concentrate on current affairs & should be aware of what is happening around the world. Mr Naman also debunked various myths that are associated with the preparation of civil service exam & stressed upon the fact that rather than mugging up the syllabus, the students should have a deep understanding of the subject. Mr Naman also gave various examples & demonstrations to make the students understand the talk. An interactive session was also held after the talk in which the students asked their queries to Mr Naman. Principal Prof.(Dr.) Atima Sharma Dwivedi averred that civil service is a great career option for any student as they get an opportunity to serve the nation & make a contribution to the country’s development. Prof.(Dr.) Atima Sharma Dwivedi also encouraged the students to opt for civil services. She further maintained that these type of activities provide a direction to the students so that they should be able to excel in the field of civil service. She lauded the efforts of Mrs Suman Khurana, Dean, Placement Cell & the whole Placement Cell for their sincere efforts.

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