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  • Only College under GNDU to be bestowed with FIST & CURIE grant by DST- Govt. of India
  • Star College by DBT- Govt. of India
  • Designated College with Potential for Excellence
  • Accredited ‘A’ by UGC-NAAC
  • Recognised as a Center of Excellence by RASCI, Government of India
  • Best College in Punjab as per the Surveys
  • Kaushal Kendra by UGC, MHRD, Govt. of India and first College under GNDU to have been granted Kaushal Kendra
KMV’s Annual Athletic Meet Trailblazer-2025 is going to be held on 08-02-2025 (Saturday)      
Coming Soon Stay Tuned- KMV I.T. Euphoria( Inter college Competition)      
BBA/BCA Approved Under AICTE      
KMVites secure International Placement in USA      
KMVites will represent India in World Youth Festival in Russia       KMV ranked among top colleges of India for 4th time in a row       Achieved Top Rankings for Consecutive Fourth Time       KMV Students and Faculty Awarded Hungarian State Scholarships       Top Rankings of KMV by India Today Surveys

KMV organizes an invited talk on Perspective on the Policy and Practice of Integration of Skills in Higher Education

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous) always provide opportunities to the students to learn important skills which will help them in becoming a successful professional in the future. To provide the deeper understanding of subject, an invited talk on Perspective on the Policy and Practice of Integration of Skills in Higher Education was organized for the students of B.Voc. and M.Voc. running under DDU Kaushal Kendra. The resource person Dr. Nikhil Kumar, Education Officer, University Grants Commissionacquaintedthestudentswithvaluableknowledgeonvariousaspectsof skills based education system. Skill-based education fosters and enhances the art of learning, allowing students to excel academically and in the modern world. He also talked about Choice-Based Credit System- students can undertake as many credits as they require as it provide students with a pool of choices that allow them to choose among inter-disciplinary and intra-disciplinary courses. He also discussed with the students that skill-based courses enhance students’ employability and practical skills that is relevant to choose their fields. This gives freedom of choice to students to select programs (courses) based on their interests and also enables them to pursue interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary courses during their graduation. Principal Prof. Dr. Atima Sharma Dwivedi averred that thisworkshopwillhelpthestudentstodevelopskills and adopting a choice based credit system will enhance students’ potential to make them skillful after the completion of their education.Madam PrincipallaudedtheeffortsofDr. Gopi Sharma, Director, DDU Kaushal Kendra and Faculty of Vocational Studiesandalso motivated the students toexplorenew concepts of education.






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