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KMV pays a floral tribute to Martyr S. Kartar Singh Sarabha on his Martyrdom Day

Event Date

November 18, 2023

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous) paid a floral tribute to Martyr S. Kartar Singh Sarabha. Faculty and students offered floral tributes to Martyr S. Kartar Singh Sarabha. A special program was organised on this occasion, where Principal Prof. Atima Sharma Dwivedi expressed that Kartar Singh Sarabha’s unwavering commitment to sacrifice for the country at a young age was commendable. She also highlighted Sarabha’s inspiration for the youth to contribute to the freedom struggle with great enthusiasm. Principal Dwivedi also praised Sarabha’s life and ideology as a constant guide for motivating the youth towards national service. She acknowledged and honoured all the patriots, including Sarabha’s comrades, who sacrificed for the country’s freedom, prosperity, development, peace, and harmony. Notably, various activities such as poetry recitation, poster making, etc. were also conducted during the event, showcasing different aspects of Kartar Singh Sarabha’s life. The patriotic songs filled the atmosphere with zeal. Madam Principal lauded the efforts of the organising committee for the successful organisation of the program.

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