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  • Only College under GNDU to be bestowed with FIST & CURIE grant by DST- Govt. of India
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KMV Principal Prof. Atima Sharma Dwivedi felicitate Ms. Spardha on receiving Copyright letter from Copyright Office, Government of India

Event Date

August 13, 2023

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous) always provide such a positive environment to its students and faculty members, in which they can not only establish dimensions in the field of education, but also make their own identity at national level. In a new achievement, Ms Spardha, PG Department of Fine Arts was felicitated by Principal Prof. Atima Sharma Dwivedi for bagging copyright letter from Copyright Office, Government of India for giving a new look to the miniature painting in a very creative way. It is noteworthy that Ms. Spardha has also made a place in the Indian Book of Records for this special art of hers. Congratulating her on this wonderful achievement, Madam Principal averred that with the progressive education in Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, the students and teachers always get the enthusiasm to move forward in their respective fields, as a result of which such positive results emerge. Along with this, she also acquainted that even before this, Fashion Designing Department, Science Department, Computer Science Department etc. of Kanya Maha Vidyalaya have obtained IPR from the Government of India for their special works..

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