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KMV Successfully Concludes Foundation Program

Event Date

December 22, 2020

Principal Prof Dr Atima Sharma Dwivedi Delivers the Last Module of the Program



Kanya Maha Vidyalaya- the Heritage & Autonomous institution, Seat of Women Empowerment with Top National and State Rankings by India Today Survey of Best Colleges 2020 (various categories) & Outlook Magazine successfully concluded Foundation Course- An Odyssey of Human Endeavour with the last module titled The KMV Experience (The Confluence…ARoundup of the Program). The last module was delivered by Principal Prof Dr Atima Sharma Dwivedi. During the module, Prof Dwivedi acquainted the students about the vision, mission and rich legacy of the iconic institution which is empowering young women from 3 centuries. Prof Dwivedi also informed the new students about the visits of 5 Prime Ministers and 5 Presidents in college. Prof Dwivedi also acquainted everyone with the sayings of great leaders who have praised KMV for emancipating and raising the status of women way back in the late 19th century. She also apprised the students about the top rankings and achievements conferred upon KMV which sets it apart from the other institutions. Prof Dwivedi concluded by saying that students must imbibe great values and good things in their lives in order to become a better human being and should always strive hard to attain the goals in life. This 10 day unique foundation program was organised online and was attended by more than 900 students. Various students also expressed their views about the program. The students were elated and expressed that they have never witnessed such a program anywhere. Madam Principal lauded the efforts of Dr Gurjot, Head, Department of History & Dr Monica for successfully organising the program.

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