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KMVites participate in the activities dedicated to Punjab folk heritage with full zeal and enthusiasm

Event Date

February 20, 2023

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous) organised various activities dedicated to the Folk heritage of Punjab. The activities were organised by PG Department of Punjabi to connect the students with their culture and heritage. In these activities, where the students participated in folk games and played a lot of entertaining games, at the same time, competitions like making corn bread, weaving, embroidery, crochet, bobbin, grain sifting and vermicelli were also organised. The students of different departments participated in all these activities with full zeal and enthusiasm.  Principal Prof. Atima Sharma Dwivedi, while giving prizes to the winners of the competitions averred hat it is the responsibility of all of us to stay connected with our heritage and by understanding the importance of our heritage, a person can stay connected with his family and society. She further maintained that KMV is always trying to keep the students connected with their culture. Madam Principal lauded the efforts made by Dr. Iqbal Kaur, Head, PG Department of Punjabi and all the faculty members for successfully organising the activities.

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