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KMVorganizes UMANG-KMV Innocreative Carnival’ 25 Students enjoy to their hearts fill with various fun activities

Event Date

February 15, 2025

KanyaMahaVidyalaya (Autonomous) organized UMANG KMV Innocreative Carnival’ 25with full zeal and enthusiasm to provide a break from the academic routine. The Chief Guests for the inauguralceremony was Sh. Chander Mohan, President, Arya Shiksha Mandal and Mrs NeerjaChander Mohan, Member, KMV Managing Committee.Dr. Sushma Chopra, Secretary, KMV Managing Committee, Dr. Kamal Gupta, Dr. DeepaliLuthrawere also present on the occasion  The college wore a  colorful and festive look on this day as various number of stalls were donned up with mouth watering delicacies, various handmade articles, Fun Games, Selfie Station, Dizzy Rides and DJ etc. to add to the overall ambience of the day. On the spot Baby Show was also organized in which many adorable babies took part and won various titles. The event concluded with a Raffle Draw comprising of many attractive prizes ranging from Microwave, Electric rice cooker etc. to various other useful articles. Mrs Vani Vij and Mrs Neha Vij were the chief guest for the raffle draw event.Principal Prof. (Dr.) Atima Sharma Dwivediaverred that such events not only refresh and rejuvenate students but also have memorable imprints  to cherish for the whole life of the students. Madam Principal lauded the efforts of the whole organizing team comprising of Dr.Gurjot, Dr.Madhumeet, Dr. Harpreet, Dr. Rashmi Sharma, Dr. Harpreet, Dr.Poonam Sharma, Ms.Geetika and Dr. Anushobha.

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