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KMV’s CHEM-INNOVESTA-2022 witness participation from all over India

Event Date

February 27, 2022

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous) organised an Inter-College event “CHEM-INNOVESTA-2022” to manifest creativity and imagination of students for chemical experiments using things easily available at home. The goal of the competition was to encourage creativity and disruptiveness of smart home solution idea, thoughtfulness and depth of explanation and feasibility of things.  Total 155 students and 15 faculties participatedin this competition from all over India. Their knowledge was assessed by various fun quizzes using menti and jamboard apps.  Students and faculties participated in this online quiz with full enthusiasm and zeal& all the participants also received e-certificates. Principal Prof. Atima Sharma Dwivedi appreciated the endeavour taken by PG Department of Chemistry & averred that this is important for students as innovation leads us through incremental improvements in the technology.

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  • Kanya Maha Vidyalaya
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