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KMV’s NCC Cadet declared Best Cadet during National level Rock Climbing Training at Kumoun, Uttarakhand

Event Date

September 20, 2022

 KMV wasalso recently bestowed with Best Institution Award by NCC: Prof. Atima Sharma Dwivedi

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous) always strives to empower students as part of its mission. Recently, NCC cadets of KMV participated and excelled in the adventure foundation course. During the rock climbing training at PittoragarhDistrict Kumoun, Uttrakhand. SU/O Harvinder was selected camp senior and was awarded a medal for getting 1st position in the camp. She was awarded the medal for best cadet of the camp. SgtShweta Rana was also awarded with a certificate for completing the training successfully and 1st prize in artificial wall climbing . It is pertinent to mention that this was a national level camp and cadets from all over India comprising 17 directorates of NCC attended the camp. CO Col. Narinder Toor congratulated the cadets for their excellent performance in the training camp. Principal Prof. Dr. Atima Sharma averred that such trainings are a vital part of holistic education of the students as it gives them an opportunity to excel in extra curricular activities. She further maintained that due to excellent performance by our NCC cadets, KMV was bestowed with Best Institution Award by NCC. Madam Principal lauded the efforts of Department of NCC for providing proper guidance & mentoring to the students.

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