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KMV’s Six Days Online Course on Advanced Computer Topics begins

Event Date

April 20, 2020

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, the Autonomous and Heritage institution is serving the society ceaselessly in these difficult days of Lockdown through various initiatives like: Stitching of Masks, giving nutritious diet plans, doing psychological counseling and other such ventures.

Under the spirited and dynamic leadership of the Principal Dr. Atima Sharma Dwivedi, the faculty of PG department of Computer Science & Applications have started 6 Days FREE ONLINE COURSE On ADVANCED COMPUTER TOPICS w.e.f. April 15,2020 to April 20,2020 to contribute their bit for the society under the umbrella of KMV KARES . The FREE Online course started on April 15th and got the participation of 59 people of different age and profession along with some college and school students. The first class for society was taken by HOD Computer Science – Ms. Suman Khurana on Zoom platform in two virtual meetings/classes on the Topic Advanced Google Search Techniques. She demonstrated all the advanced options of Google to obtain the refined search results. Dr Pardeep Arora took the sessions on Advanced Ms Excel and Ms Word and explained every option clearly , whereas Dr Ravi Khurana gave his talk on Advanced PowerPoint Skills by taking suitable examples. Mr Nitin Khanna demonstrated on Keyboards shortcuts which help doing the task fast and Ms. Nidhi Bhatia gave her talk on Advanced E-mail capabilities which people generally are not aware of. The Questions and Queries were taken up and resolved to the best satisfaction of the participants, during all the Workshop days. All the participants enjoyed all the sessions and learnt many new things. Madam Principal Dr. Atima Sharma Dwivedi appreciated the efforts of  faculty members of Computer Science department for this service to the society.

Six Days Online Course (Photo Gallery)

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