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KMV’s The Happiness Program Receiving Huge Response from the Students

Event Date

October 30, 2020

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya- the Heritage & Autonomous institution, Seat of Women Empowerment with Top National and State Rankings by India Today Survey of Best Colleges 2020 (various categories) always keep on organizing various activities to provide a holistic growth to the students in order to make them a well rounded individuals. Keeping with the trend, The Happiness Workshop was organized by the Department of Student Welfarein continuance with ‘The Happiness Program- A Key to Inner Sunshine’for the students. This is the first time in the region that Happiness Program has been organized for the youngsters to improve their happiness and well-being. It’s an 15-week regular program organized once a week which mainly focuses on how to improve self-confidence and enable students to deal more efficiently with negativity and passive thoughts, that results in improving their overall personality.Under this program, the session on the topic of  Genesis & Significance of Happiness was organized for the students of 10+1and10+2(Arts,CommerceandScience).Theeminentspeakerforthisprogramwas Dr. Neha Sharma, Assistant Professor, Human Development & Family Relations, Govt. Home Science College, Chandigarh.Principal Prof. Dr. Atima Sharma Dwivedi inauguratedthesessionwithhermotivationalwords forthestudents.Sheaverred that the importance of happinessis in the curriculum of KMV, a spring board ofbrilliantcareer.Sheemphasized onthefactthatKMVhasalwaysaimedforoverallgrowth of thestudents by working on their holistic development in various spheres. She further maintained that this initiative of KMV has become very popular among the students as they are participating in this program in huge numbers. During the sessions, students also asks their queries from the resource person so that they may be able to get proper guidance & counseling regarding different dimensions of their lives. Principal Prof Dr Atima Sharma Dwivedirichly stressed on the need of counseling, guidance and stress management in the 21stcentury. She lauded the efforts ofMrs Veena Deepak, Co-ordinator, KMV Collegiate Sr Sec School, Dr Madhumeet, Dean, Department of Student Welfare& Mrs AnandPrabhafor organizing this program very successfully.

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