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Department has high tech labs namely rDNA Lab, Microbiology Lab, Plant Tissue Culture Lab, Animal Tissue Culture Lab and Biochemistry Lab.
The departmental laboratories are equipped with a number of costly instruments including laminar air flow, UV-trans-illuminator, Gel Documentation system, Distillation unit, Incubators, Horizontal deep freezer, Ultracentrifuge, Weighing Balance, Inverted microscope, Culture room etc.
State of art laboratories equipped with chemicals and equipments for various experiments ranging from field of Biochemistry, Microbiology, Immunology, Plant tissue culture, Animal Tissue culture and Molecular biology.
Botany Department has Graduate and Post-graduate labs equipped with instruments like:
The department has good instrumental facilities such as Double beam UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Single Beam UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Rotavapor, Temperature controlled Magnetic Stirrer,Turbidity Meter, pH meter, Colorimeter, TDS Meter, Refractrometer, Overhead Stirrer , Polarimeter and good computer facilities for carrying out advanced research. The library of the Chemistry department is well equipped with latest books, journals and research papers. The department is well-known for its research activities and has very well equipped research laboratory.
Department has state of the art :
Department has high tech labs namely rDNA Lab, Microbiology Lab, Plant Tissue Culture Lab, Animal Tissue Culture Lab and Biochemistry Lab.
The departmental laboratories are equipped with a number of costly instruments including laminar air flow, UV-trans-illuminator, Gel Documentation system, Distillation unit, Incubators, Horizontal deep freezer, Ultracentrifuge, Weighing Balance, Inverted microscope, Culture room etc.
State of art laboratories equipped with chemicals and equipments for various experiments ranging from field of Biochemistry, Microbiology, Immunology, Plant tissue culture, Animal Tissue culture and Molecular biology.
Botany Department has Graduate and Post-graduate labs equipped with instruments like:
The department has good instrumental facilities such as Double beam UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Single Beam UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Rotavapor, Temperature controlled Magnetic Stirrer,Turbidity Meter, pH meter, Colorimeter, TDS Meter, Refractrometer, Overhead Stirrer , Polarimeter and good computer facilities for carrying out advanced research. The library of the Chemistry department is well equipped with latest books, journals and research papers. The department is well-known for its research activities and has very well equipped research laboratory.
Department has state of the art :