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National Technology Day 2023

Event Date

May 11, 2023

  1. Date of program: 11 May, 2023
  2. Title/Theme of the Program: National Technology Day 2023
  3. Program for the benefit of: To acknowledge contribution of scientists and researchers towards our country
  4. Objective:To boost the innovation culture among budding innovators
  5. Total no. of participants: 80

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, Jalandhar an Autonomous and Heritage institution has always stressed upon innovations in science education for enabling smart and inclusive growth of students. P.G. Department of Physics, Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, Jalandhar is constantly working to boost innovation culture among budding innovators. To acknowledge contribution of scientists and researchers towards our country, P.G. Department of Physics in collaboration with KMV IIC celebrated National Technology Day 2023 on May 11, 2023. This day holds great cultural and historical importance, underscoring India’s dedication to innovation and its quest for technological progress. This year’s theme is ‘School to Startups- Igniting Young Minds to Innovate’.

Dr. Neetu Verma, Vice President KMV IIC, holded a mentoring session to elaborate the significance of technology in promoting innovation, research, and progress. Technology has helped science to discover new information that would have never been possible. In this context she acknowledged the contributions of engineers, scientists, researchers, and innovators, who have achieved significant breakthroughs in many fields. She apprised students with the fact that in 1998, India made history by conducting a successful nuclear test at Pokhran under the leadership of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, former prime minister of India. National Technology Day is celebrated in India on May 11th every year to commemorate the successful Pokhran nuclear tests conducted in 1998. She further added that the primary objective of National Technology Day is to promote scientific temper and inspire the younger generation to pursue careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields. It serves as an occasion to raise awareness about the importance of technology in addressing societal challenges and fostering economic growth.


Further she motivated students towards scientific innovations. She explained the concept of frugal innovations which is also named as Jugaad in the local language. Dr. Verma further elaborated the concept by giving numerous examples of innovations like Mitticool frigde which can cool food items without even using electricity.

Further to develop momentum in the minds of young students INNOVATION HUB of P.G. Department of Physics Department was explored by students. Innovation hub is a very essential part of a Quality Education, where visitors can get a feel of how the great scientific innovations might have evolved through small efforts of the beginner. In order to enhance the creativity and skill in Education of Basic Physics, some experiments like circular pendulum, anharmonic oscillator, Transmission line, Black hole, Air cannon, Doppler Effect, rotational Motion, Motion in inclined plane, energy transfer in spring etc, were demonstrated to make it easier for the students to understand the concepts of Physics in a practical way.

Principal Prof. (Dr.) Atima Sharma Dwivedi applauded efforts of KMMVIIC and Physics department for organising such innovative events for students. She said that need is perhaps the mother of innovations. “Innovation is the cornerstone of sustained economic growth and prosperity” she further added. She congratulated every Indian on National Technology Day 2023.






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