Primary Objectives
- Social responsibility describes the way we are making a difference to the social and economic well-being of our communities through our teaching, and other activities.
- KMV strives to make a positive difference to the life and future of our region by taking socially responsible decisions that have real, beneficial, measurable impacts on the people and the world around us.
- We make a significant contribution to our communities and society as a whole through our research, our education and a wide range of activities undertaken by our staff, students and alumni.
Impact of KMV Extension Activities:
- Over a century we at KMV have taken up various social initiatives which have made a commendable mark in the region.
- Starting with the inception which is example of women emancipation in the late nineteenth century this institution has played significant role in shaping the society in the region and beyond.
- Most importantly the institution is committed to nurturing the youth in such a way as to make them sensitive to the various initiatives and encourage
Office Bearers :
Dean Social Out Reach: Dr.Monica Sharma 7986840951
Members: Ms.Ashima Sahini 6284083450
Ms.Harpreet Kaur
Dr.Narinderjit Kaur
Ms.Ritu Kashyap
Dr.Ekta Saini

Literacy Drive
- Education is the backbone of success. It lifts a man from ignorance and teaches him to be self sufficient.Literacy and level of education are basic indicators of the level of development achieved by a society.
- Literacy forms an important input in overall development of individuals enabling them to comprehend their social, political and cultural environment better and respond to it appropriately.
- Keeping this in mind KMV has strived to reach out to those sections who cannot make it formal system education, through various literacy drive programmes.
- The Gandhian Studies Centre of the college has adopted a charitable school in Transport Nagar meant for the children of migrant labour.
- For over a decade the college has looked after the needs of the children here. From providing them clean classroom ,desks and chairs to providing them stationery and books, the college students have looked after the needs of the migrant children here.
- Besides the various departments also organize literacy drive programmes in the adjoining villages.
Working for People with disabilities: Building a library for visually impaired
- Under Social outreach program, KMV is committed to help all individuals who are experiencing vision loss, through a comprehensive social outreach program, This includes presentations and educational events targeted to specific group, setting up of academic library services,
- A resource cell containing e-books from Daisy Forum of India, New Delhi has also been opened to cater to the needs of the visually impaired.
- KMV also has signed MOUs with various blind associations and recently KMV is working with Louis Braille welfare association, Bashirpura, Jalandhar.
- KMV in collaboration with civil hospital ophthalmology department has undertaken the responsibility of cataract operations of the mentally challenged inmates of pinglaghar.
Rural Upliftment Through Women Empowerment
- To sensitize women about their status, identity and role, the college has established Women Empowerment Cell under the aegis of Gandhian Studies Centre in 2009.
- Through this cell the college is trying to ensure free vocational training to girls from lower strata and financially backward classes in the villages nearby.
- The cell enlightens the women about their rights, healthcare, career, employment, safety, social security, violence against them through seminars & workshops.
- Training modules have been designed in computer applications, stitching, embroidery, painting, textile printing, candle making etc. so that they can be economically independent. The Cell has also involved many NGOs, societies and organizations to achieve its mission.
- Till date under this cell we have trained over 3500 marginalized rural women within the campus and through training camps in villages.
- Many of these empowered women have started their own shops and beauty parlours in their villages.
Environmental Protection And Sustainability :
Saplings of Life Club
- Since its inception under the able guidance of illustrious patrons Mrs. Harsimrat Kaur Badal and the worthy President of KMV Managing Committee Sh. Chander Mohan, Saplings of Life Club is single mindedly dedicated to addressing profoundly urgent social issues like preservation of environment and female foeticide . The club has been involved in many worthwhile activities like tree plantation drives, maintenance of green belts and drive against the use of polythene bags.
- It alsoorganizes lectures, choreographies, skits, street plays, song and dance presentations dealing with girl child and environment issues to spread social messages across all sections of the society. It has involved many NGOs in this noble endeavour of making this world a better place for future generations.
Water Warriors
- This is the KMVs initiative to save water it was inaugurated by Mr . Manpreet Singh Badal (Minister of finance and planning , Punjab)
- The aim is to sensitize the students regarding the importance of water conservation and to develop skills for the same.
- The warriors also conduct programs in villages ,to sensitize the Villagers regarding “Water Conservation” and to work for the betterment of the environment .
- To convey the message the students enact Nukkad Nataks in the villages.
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
- The college has been an active participant in the Government’s Swachh Bharat Campaign due to which we were among the 205 institutions short listed from a list of 6029 who were felicitated by the HRD Ministry in New Delhi.
- The students of College Jalandhar participate in Swachhta Hi Seva Program every year in the month of September and October. The students participated in all the activities with full enthusiasm and dedication.
- This program aims at making India clean and green through various initiatives like Plastic Free India.
- During the celebration of150 years of Mahatma Gandhi,the Gandhian Studies Centre organized a Run for Swachh Bharat Sashakat Bharat,in which the District Commissioner and Municipal Commissioner also participated.
Unnat Bharat Abhiyan
- KMV has adopted Five villages under the Unnat Bharat Abhiyan of Government of India:-Hazara, Mubarakpur Sheike, Randhawa Masanda, Raipur Rasulpur and
- The college has received appreciation for the commendable work done in these villages.
- The student volunteers have been engaged in a number of projects in the villages like
- Conducting UBA baseline house hold survey & filling of these forms above mentioned villages
- Conducted meetings with the panchayat members.
- Interviewed the villagers to identify the major problems and issues of the village.
Buddy Program : Initiative for Drug Free Punjab
- Determined to counter the drug menace in Punjab,KMV has participated in the Government. initiated Buddy Program for creating a drug free Punjab.
- For this awareness programmes in the form of Rallies and Nukkad Nataks are organized regularly ,both in the city and adjoining villages.
Empathy Corner
KMV had started the Empathy Corner outside the college gate.
- The main motive was to inculcate the sentiments of empathy towards the under privileged among the students through donation of clothes, shoes, utensils & toys etc. Following the Indian tradition of ‘Gupt Daan Maha Daan’ the students don’t get to know who are the beneficiaries of the things donated by them taking away any sentiment of pride in them.
- All the departments, faculty and students have worked enthusiastically to make it a success. Each department of the college with their student volunteers take turns to run the corner.
- This initiative of the college has been appreciated by the residents of the area. The labor, rickshaw pullers and other needy people flock to the empathy corner every day.
Rallies demanding Justice for Rape victims and Other Social Causes:
- Kanya Maha Vidyalaya caring and sharing for the society is inbuilt in the system. Committed to social causes with a rich legacy of 134 glorious years, KMV has taken lead to organize a peace rally to demand speedy & severe punishment for the Rapists. The rally was organized in the wake of recent gang rape & murder that took place in Hyderabad.
- This awareness rally for demanding the severe punishment for the rapists was flagged off by Principal Prof.(Dr.) Atima Sharma Dwivedi. More than 500 KMVites displayed placards with thought provoking slogans written on them.
- After the address of Madam Principal, teachers & students also shared their opinions regarding the issue in which the student fraternity besides seeking justice for the victim, also demanded a swift investigation and a proper forensic arrangement to stop any further delay in the inquiry process of the heinous crime.
Computer Training for Senior Citizens:“Know Ur Friends – Internet & Mobile”
- KMV organizes workshops for various sections of the society with a sole aim to help and enlighten the citizens with I.T. skills.
- As the senior citizens face problems and are not comfortable using mobiles and internet, the college organizes special workshops for the senior citizens every year.
- The faculty of the Department of Computer Science & Applications,educates the senior citizens about Six modules i.e. Computer Basics, Internet and Email, Phone Management, You Tubing & WhatsApp, Payment Modes and Online Shopping, Reservations and Transactions.
- These workshops have served the purpose to equip the senior citizens and ladies with the two bestfriends – Internet & Mobile, as they act as a backbone of our major day to day works.
Training of Women Police Cops:Tech Empowerment of Women Leaders”
- KMV and the Commissionerate of Police, Jalandhar conceived the idea of training the women police, took this initiative to conceptualize and implement a workshop in collaboration with Women Studies Centre, KMV.
- This noble gesture continued for 12 days in the form of a workshop “Tech Empowerment of Women Leaders” from 09:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and from 12:15 p.m. to 02:15 p.m. The workshop was conducted in the premises of Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, Jalandhar in four batches, two batches per day for six days each.
- The main aim of this workshop was to make the women police personnel knowledgeable and skilled with the daily internet and technological usage.
- As internet and mobiles act as a backbone of our major day to day work, various modules were taught in this regard.
- This workshop was completely free of cost; practical based and was aimed only at providing the help to bridge the gap between technology and citizens.
- This workshop catered to the technological intricacies in a way that it was not only be a long lasting learning experience for all but also as a part of their sweet memories.
Working for mental health of women inmates in Kapurthala jail
- KMV has been actively working for the betterment of people from various sections, including the women inmates in District jail at Kapurthala.
- The college along with the Chief Judicial Magistrate , Jail authorities and leading doctors of the city organised a health check-up and counselling camp in the Jail.
- The faculty and the students listened to the problems of the inmates and conveyed them to the jail authorities.
- The activity had a very positive impact on the inmates.
Working For Municipal Corporation
KMV has reached out to various sections of people.
- In this connection we have worked in close association with the District Administration on various projects.
- The P.G Department of fashion Designing collaborated with the Municipal Corporation Jalandhar to stich uniforms for the Rag pickers.22 students of MSc Fashion Designing under Ms.Harpreet went to various garbage dumping sites and took measurements of the safai karamcharis there.
- The rag pickers were honoured on KMV campus and uniforms were distributed to them.
- This program fulfilled the ethos of Swachh Bharat Mission, Empowerment of Women, Earn while you learn and also taught empathy to the young students for Safai karam charis
Bringing Smiles On the Faces of Children:
From its inception KMV has strived to bring smiles on the faces of the girl child. KMV undertakes various projects to ensure this legacy is carried forward.
- The students of the college collected Toys and Craft kits to build up a Recreation/Toy room in the charitable school adopted by the Gandhian Studies Centre, in Transport Nagar.
- These children are brought to the college for various recreational activities.
- KMV also invites these children to the college during the Lohri celebrations.
- Children of the Slums are taken for picnics to Wonderland -A water Park and Nikku Park-Children’s Park in the city.
You Tube Links
- https://youtu.be/M3ud8K9wR6A?si=t6VzcUoc2QKS64bQ
- https://youtu.be/EjhbuJR-Cvg?si=C8164-5wdJPfQoAc
- https://youtu.be/Btcf4qBMAT4?si=40YZg_ol1egKeOMQ
- https://youtu.be/NiE-JwlKMH8?si=cPnGnHiX9YHNsNlU
- https://youtu.be/qFHetnpxKws?si=hAUIxSDJStEFH1yu
- https://youtu.be/J_YPvxDF43M?si=6HVTcrdA6G2Nstre
- https://youtu.be/C5d_43tZMoA?si=SZlaR9ZZLAivWpph
- https://youtu.be/82xAfbYJfbs
- https://youtu.be/PBB_Jb5GMfY
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgGRQG4yzSE Part-I
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxjVn9lgBAo Part-II